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Starfire was there again, as she was often in her dreams. She was back in the cold grey chamber, shivering as the frosted window taunted her menacingly. No one was coming for her. They all thought she was dead. She would rather be dead.
She was on an ice planet in the middle of space slowly freezing to death, who wouldn't be willing to take any chance to die.
All she could do was sit there, she felt like a block of ice herself. Her powers didn't work, nothing worked. She was stuck.
"No one is coming for you." The scientist said again and again and again and again. The person she had selfishly trusted, the person who was slowly killing her in this cell as an experiment. A lucky incident he said, that's what he called her saving him. A lucky incident.
"No one is coming for you, and after today neither will I."
She always knew there were bad people in the world but this felt so personal. It had always felt like that world of bad guys was so disconnected from her world of good guys. They were on one side and she was on another. Sure Blackfire had always betrayed her, but that was the thing she had always done it. Starfire knew she wasn't a good person. This time she had no clue what was coming because she had thought he was one of them.
"Starfire!" She heard a familiar voice call out from down her empty cell block. No, it was just another delusion. She forced her eyes closed.
"Starfire." The voice called out now right in front of her. She shook her head, willing the voice of Robin to go away. That was until she felt worried, warm arms fall around. They pulled her in tightly, gripping onto the back of the thin jacket she was wearing. Sturdy hands wove into the back of her hair. In an instant she was safe again. Robin was there and it was okay. It was okay. He had come for her. He had come for her. He didn't leave her side for a long while after that.


Robin was worried about Starfire. Well, given what had transpired over the last couple of days it was only natural to be worried about her but something was targeting her. The Thing attack, the journal, and now the ringer. Some force in the universe had it out for her, and he was determined to find out what it was. 
Starfire had requested she stayed by her side that night through what little ability she had to communicate with her busted ear. Raven had done some spells on it, and Robin had made sure the bandages around her head were treated at the right time. Raven said by tomorrow her hearing should be somewhat back to normal. Robin heaved a deep sigh, observing her figure resting peacefully, her face relaxed dangling off the edge of her bed. He knew she would have been fine if he had left her right after she fell asleep. Something in him stopped him from leaving her. Now he just sat there, waiting patiently for another disaster. Hell, he didn't have a bedroom anymore anyway.
A yawn escaped his lips, begging him to take a rest even for a moment. He couldn't, he had to make sure Starfire was safe. He had to make sure that whatever was after her wouldn't get her. He knew she could handle herself, he was certain of it but he wanted to help her. He didn't want her to get hurt again.
Robin let himself find a comfortable spot on the floor, spreading himself out on her purple carpet. He didn't mean to fall asleep.


Starfire's eyes shot open, peering into the darkness . She gripped her bedsheets like feeling them solidified her place in her bedroom.
Sleep was always something she knew was forfeited when she had her dreams.
She gazed around the room, secretly hoping Robin hadn't left. There he was, fast asleep on her carpet. The sight of it made a small smile creep onto her lips. She lightly set her toes on the ground, trying to be as quiet as possible moving toward the place Selkie sleep quietly. The muffled sounds of creaking under her feet was relieving to her. At least her hearing was coming back.
"Starfire?" Robin groaned. She looked over to see him sitting up staring at her. "You should be sleeping."
"I am afraid I cannot friend Robin." She picked up Silkie. The slimy creature bringing her a small bit of comfort.
"How do your ears feel?" He got up from the floor, walking over to her. She nodded.
"I am feeling much improved." She admitted. "What are you doing in my room?"
A flush of red graced Robin's cheeks. "You asked me too, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Starfire felt a smile creep onto her face. She had been feeling pretty useless, and him taking the time to worry about her made her feel like he still valued her. "Many thanks to you Robin."
"Don't mention it." Robin rubbed the back of his head. "I should go now. Training."
Starfire's heart fell. "Must all you do be training? Can't you take some time to rest?"
Robin was about to say something, but stopped after searching her face for a moment. She titled her head in his direction.
"So why can't you sleep?" Robin coughed. He set down in the purple round poof she had beside her bed.
"I cannot stop dreaming of-" She couldn't find the strength to finish the sentence. Even speaking about it out her back there. Cold, alone, helpless
Robin set a hand on her shoulder, in an instant she knew she didn't need to say a thing.
"Do you want to go to the roof?"
Starfire grinned in his direction. It had become one of her spots over the years. She moved her head up and down. Robin led her to the roof.
They sat there for a long while, every star she had seen dozens of times sparkling in the sky. They didn't speak about the incident, or the ringing, or how they truly felt about the other. They just say, and watched. Starfire didn't remember when she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder


I am not proud of this chapter whatsoever but oh well

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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