Chapter 17: I-Island, a Surprise Visit

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<Okay, so... If you're expecting a spoiler alert for My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, here it is, I'm not messing around, you shouldn't need one, especially since the movie's been out for a few years now, if you haven't seen it, leave this chapter, go watch it and come back and read the chapter. I'll say it one more time;>
<Spoiler Alert for MHA: Two Heroes>

It was a peaceful day in the small house that belonged to (Y/N) Todoroki, who stayed under his usual alias of Hyouketsu Hiyasu. (Y/N) was sitting down on the couch watching Spongebob Squarepants in its prime, season 1.

While watching episode 6 he gets a call from a public phone that was based in Kamino Ward. He answered it with caution, just in case he could mess with the person on the other end of the line.

(Y/N): "Hello? You have reached Tony's Crematorium slash Pizzeria, where yesterday's loss is today's sauce. How may I help you?"

???: "Damn right on the crematorium part. Hey kid." That voice was too recognizable for (Y/N). It was his brother, Touya Todoroki, always under the alias of Dabi. "So, me and psycho got a little bit of time before we're accepted into the League. So we'll be home for a day or so. We also got a job offer from another external source, so I'll technically be an international villain. Me and Toga will be there in a few hours." He said just before hanging up, leaving no room for conversation.

(Y/N) looked at the mess of the house, and just sighed. He got to work with picking up the rubbish and grabbing a plastic bag from the cupboard from under the sink (Don't lie to me, everyone has the plastic bags under the sink).

A few hours later the house was completely clean, not even a speck of dust could be found anywhere. (Y/N) sat down after finishing up the house and closed his eyes for a short while... Before the door opened to reveal a hooded Dabi and a disguised Himiko.

Himiko: "Hyouketsu!" She yelled as she leapt into (Y/N)'s arms. "I missed you so so so so much!" She exclaimed before smothering (Y/N) with kisses and affection.

(Y/N): "I missed you too Himiko!" He said, returning the kisses.

Dabi: "Ugh, get a room. Better yet, say hello to your damn brother already!" He said holding out his arms for a hug.

(Y/N) wasted no time and hugged his brother with Himiko still holding onto (Y/N) and kissing his cheek. The three were in an awkward hug, for a solid 3 minutes, before separating.

(Y/N): "So, you said you were going for a job soon? One that'll make you an international villain?"

Dabi: "Yeah, me and psycho are going to a place that never stays in a single area for an extended period, some island that moves on its own. Hell if I can remember what it's called."

Himiko: "Yeah, although the name of the place reminds me of that multi-million dollar company in America... That starts everything with 'i'." She said.

Dabi changed the subject as he didn't want to talk about his work in his free time, an hour or so passed of the brother's catching up on what had happened recently while they were apart, Dabi, wanting to allow his brother and said brother's girlfriend to catch up too, so he put on music and went upstairs to his room.

(Y/N) just sat on the couch listening to the music while they were talking, occasionally leaning into each other for a small kiss every now and then. All that changed when HeroTube's algorithm caused Caramelldansen to pop up on the screen. The two looked at each other with a knowing look. The couple stood up and allowed the music to start, beginning to dance like the animated girls on screen... That's when Dabi walked down the stairs, to see the unbridled chaos... Which surprisingly he joined in on. It got to a point where if anybody saw this, two villains, dancing with a hero in training, that person would think all three of them were insane... In which they would be hitting the nail on the head.

Frostbite [Himiko Toga x Hero Male Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang