Chapter Four: Happy Birthday Cedric

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First son of Arthur Pendragon and Guinevere.
Possesses abilities he should not.
He will be taken.
Cedric's POV

"Happy Birthday."
Derek's voice a awoke me slightly.

"Mmmm." I muttered, rolling over.

"Time to get up, sire!" Derek insisted.

"Mm." I argued, pulling the covers over my head.

He pulled the covers off of me. "Up." He ordered.

"Last I checked, I was the boss of you." I muttered sleepily.

"Yeah, but it's my job to get you places on time." he countered.

I sat up, my black hair falling into my face and looked around. Sunlight was already filling my chambers.

Derek, my man servant assigned to me by father (probably as some sort of punishment), stood next to my bed. He had dirty blonde hair that hung to the bottom of his neck. It had bangs parted to the left, covering part of his eye. He also had brown eyes. At least right now. They seemed to be different every time I saw them. One of the few things that, really intrigued me about Derek.

"Where do I have to get on time?" I asked.

"It's your birthday." He told me obviously, "You've got that Prince birthday breakfast thing."

"Oh. Right." I sat up, groggily.

Derek left to check on the breakfast, so I had a wash. As I dried my hair, I took a look in the mirror. I had dark brown eyes and black hair. I had mine parted to the right and cut just below my ears. I was tall and rather muscular.

Derek walked back in, telling me that they were ready for me. I dressed quickly and headed to the palace dining room, followed by Derek. The halls of the palace had large windows with no glass. You could view much of the kingdom from just the halls. The walls were a creamy white color. Through the windows many small houses and shops could be seen and peasants went about their daily lives.

I continued to the dining room.

Derek tried to make conversation. "So...what do you want for your birthday, sire."

"Just for it to over would be gift enough." I told him.

"You're not fond of your celebrations?"

"In short, no,"
The truth was I disliked all the attention. I know, I know I was a Prince the future king of Camelot and I disliked being the center of attention. It was definitely something I needed to work on. I also kind of disliked being judged so much better than everyone else. I was no better. I was merely born lucky.
Even the fact that I had a servant bothered me slightly. Of course, I'd never let on to that fact.

We arrived at the doors of the main dining room for festivities and such. They were a large two door. I walked in and all the people who were previously talking merrily fell silent as I walked to my seat. It did make me feel slightly uncomfortable. The room had three tables arranged in a U formation. The two sides of the U were packed with important people from other kingdoms as well as knights and nobles. The seats on the bottom of the U were reserved for the Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, and the best of Camelot's knights. I took my place at this table. Derek, being that he was my man servant was able to sit next to me. My father, the great King Arthur Pendragon, sat to my left and to his left sat my mother, Queen Guinevere. My younger sister Stephanie sat beside Derek.

As I sat down my mother whispered to me, "Happy Birthday, Cedric."
I smiled at her.

My sister looked at me. "Trust me it gets better." she whispered to me, "I've seen the entertainment they have in store." I enjoyed Stephanie. She had such wisdom for her age and at least and equal amount of spirit. She had long, blonde, hair, and wore a small, hair-band, tiara.

After I took my place at the table people's conversations gradually returned to normal.

Derek and my sister spoke and laughed with each other as if it was perfectly normal for a princess and a servant to be friends. This was another thing I loved about Stephanie.

My father spoke to me about training routines for Knights and relations with other kingdoms. I paid half-attention to the conversation. I was more interested in Derek and Stephanie's conversations. They were light and friendly, but they also had a deep and real sense to them.

Before I could make my decision on whether or not Derek's feelings for my sister were deeper than I expected, something happened that would change my evening quite a bit.

I noticed a man on the second story of the castle. He held a bow and arrow. He was aiming at my father. Before I could act the killer shot his bow. I didn't think. I had to save my father. I threw myself in front of him. Time seemed to slow down, at least for me as I thrust out my hand. My hand glowed with gold magic that shattered the arrow on impact.

Suddenly time went back to normal. The pieces of the arrow fell onto the ground. Guards went after the man who had shot the bow and he mad a dash for it. Everyone stared at me. I looked down in terror. How would my father react about my practice of sorcery? I wasn't gonna stick around long enough to find out.

Derek pulled me out of my seat and we ran passed surprised faces. No one really tried to stop us. We fought off a few guards, during which I used my abilities as a weapon. Soon enough Derek and I were making a mad dash to the forest of Camelot.

Once out of sight of all who had seen what I'd done, Derek spoke.

"You have magic?" He didn't sound scared or disapproving, more like excited.

"I was born with it." I admitted.

Derek smiled.

"Derek, I was just exposed in front of my entire family, we were just chased from my home, now we're in hiding...and you're smiling?" I asked.

"I do too." Was all he said.

"You what?"

"I have magic too."

I was about to say something else but I began to feel a little dizzy. I fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

I awoke in a bright white room, disoriented.

A woman turned to face me. Morgana, looking as young and beautiful as ever.

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