Chapter Three: Happy Birthday Maria

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First and only known daughter of the Doctor and Rose Tyler.
Possesses abilities she should not.
She will be taken.
Maria's POV

"Happy Birthday."
The Doctor said to me as I walked into the TARDIS control room.

"Thanks!" I replied excitedly, running to give him a hug. "So can I? Can I do it now?!" I asked, pulling away and looking towards the TARDIS systems with what can only be described as hunger.

"Alright alright, but careful." He told me, concernedly.

I took a deep breath. I put my hands on the TARDIS counsel, feeling her power under my hand. She was just buzzing with energy. I reached for the button that would help me to fly her.

"Okay," my dad told me, "Remember if you have any problems you can always pull yourself out. Just keep a firm link to here and now."

"Alright, dad, I know. I can do this." I promised. I smiled as I pushed the button. A piece of the TARDIS counsel slid open, exposing me to the inner light of the TARDIS.

The energy overwhelmed me at first as I dipped a hand into the liquid-like, golden, energy. I felt my mind merging with the TARDIS. I felt the sensation of power take hold. I could do anything, bring us anywhere. I began to lose myself. I felt my humanity slipping away. I felt reality slipping away. I would simply become part of the TARDIS. I would give into the energy.

Then I felt it. The touch of my father's hand on my shoulder. "Maria." He called, "Maria!"
I remembered my humanity, my reality, and my life. I couldn't leave. I had a life and the Doctor. I felt myself fall back into my body as I focused on my father's hand on my shoulder.

I withdrew my hand from the TARDIS core and shut the panel, getting my bearings. For a moment I stared at my reflection in the golden TARDIS panel.
Trying to remember myself. I had longish, curly, brown, hair and hazel eyes. I wore a blue blouse and short shorts.
I was breathless. I fell into my father's arms. "sorry." I whispered, breathlessly, "I couldn't make it work."

"Hey, that was pretty good for the first time." my father told me, "Well, that was pretty good for anytime being that you're pretty much the only one in all of time and space who could ever even attempt such an act."

"Can I try again?"

"No, not today. Your gonna need a while to sort of recharge, but you've taken the first step. It can only get easier."

I smiled at him, regaining my balance. "Thank you." I told him. I wanted to try again, but knew he'd never let me.

He smiled a bright smile at me.
"So," he tells me taking control of the TARDIS, "Where do you wanna go for your birthday?"

"How about..." I knew exactly where I wanted to go, "Can...can we go to...the day?" I asked.

He sighed, and I figured he had expected this. "Are you sure?" Was all he asked.

"Yeah." I told him, "I want to know exactly what happened."

I knew very little about my backstory, only that the Doctor and Rose had somehow conceived me, and that she had somehow found a way to give me to the Doctor.

"Alright. Alright, you're 21 now. You can legally drink on Earth. I guess it's time." He told me in a rambling way.

"Thank you." I told him again.

He started up the TARDIS. The usual bumpy ride started. Suddenly it became more bumpy then usual. I was thrown to the ground.
Soon everything calmed.
We landed.

I stood by the door for a few seconds. I was about to understand how I came into existence 21 years ago.
I stepped outside the door.

"This is where it started?" I asked, in slight confusion.

The Doctor followed me out. We stood in the middle of a seemingly regular street in England.
"No..." He said in confusion.

He ran back into the TARDIS and checked the TARDIS scanners. A look of terror passed over his face, but vanished before he returned to my side.

"What?" I asked, "Where are we?"

"This isn't our universe." He told me.

"Oh." I said, processing that, "I did not expect that."

"We seem to have found our way into some sort of pocket universe."

"It looks like London." I noted.

We walked down the street. The Doctor stopped in front of a building. I watched as he soniced the door. He opened the door. There was a glowing crack.
"This was our doorway." He explained.
I instinctively reached out to it. The Doctor pushed my hand away. "You never know what could be on the other side." he warned.

Suddenly the TARDIS' brakes rang out in the annoying wheezing way that they often did. The TARDIS was disappearing.

The Doctor and I ran back to it. The Doctor tried the door and it opened. He ran inside gesturing for me to follow, but as I was about to step inside the TARDIS the doors slammed shut. I tried the handle, but it wouldn't work.
"Dad!" I shouted, "Dad! Let me in!"

"I...I can't!" He shouted back, "The handle won't work!" I heard the sonice buzzing.

Suddenly the TARDIS was lifted into the air. It recklessly spun towards the building that contained the glowing crack. It slammed through the building.

"DAD!" I shouted as the TARDIS disappeared through the glowing crack.
It was gone.

I closed my eyes.
I tried to form a telepathic bond with him.
Dad? I called, Dad?!
No reply. The telepathic signal wasn't getting through. It had always worked before!

Your little mind tricks won't work here. A raspy voice said in my mind.

I opened my eyes. I was no longer on a small London street. I was in a white room that seemed to have nothing in it besides a figure in a black hoodie.

The figure turned and I recognized him immediately.
"How are you alive?" I asked immediately.

"I have my ways." He replied.

"You almost killed my father."

"But I didn't!" He told me, "Not yet anyways."

Before me stood the person I loathed the most in all the universe.
The Master.

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