Nothing changes.

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|Unknown POV|

I woke up in my dark hallway apartment. I was in severe pain, I rolled over on my back and checked what was causing the pain. I lifted up my white collar shirt. I saw terribly wrapped bandages around this huge stab wound. I mean the bandages weren't even over the thing, it moved up or I was really drunk doing this. Or both. I fixed the bandages and groaned in pain every now and again. I stayed there and panted in and out, my eyes drifted to my right hand which is the one I used to fix the bandages. There were covered in crimson red liquid. Speaking of red liquid, I could use some wine, but I should probably not get up for a while huh? Meh I'm sure it will be fine I pulled my self up pretty dead like, geez I was way to hot and young to feel like this. Seriously. I was like that old man I was gambling against. Speaking of which what exactly happened? The last I remember doing was leaving that dreadful old man with one of the casinos guard. Well whatever, the only thing that matter was making it back to my kitchen and having a glass of wine. As I tripped over myself now and again I finally made it back to my room. I tried opened the door, wait it's locked I felt my pockets- wait MY MONEY??? I HAD A HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL PLUS WHAT I EARNED AT THE CASINO, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MONEY AND MY KEY?!?! FUCK! I felt my phone in on of my hidden pockets of my coat, I pulled it out quickly and saw an even MORE shuddered phone then before. I quickly unlocked it and checked to see if I had my money transferred to my bank. I ONLY HAVE ONE MILLION IN MY WHOLE BANK ACCOUNT?!?? I ALREADY HAD A THOUSAND IN HERE?!?!? WHERE THE FUCK DID THE REST OF MY MONEY GO?!?!? DID I JUST LOSE TEN.FUCKING.MILLION.?!?!?!?!?!?? "FUCK!!!!" I screamed extremely loud, I can't even get in my goddamn apartment either! UGHHHHHH!!!!!! I started to leave my door to go outside so I can go get another key. I started to go in the elevator. I pressed the button and I leaned against the back wall of the elevator. Someone's gonna feel some hell. If anyone's was even an mile near me they could feel my intent to kill. I'm gonna rip whoever or whomever that stole my shit fucking apart. Their money have multiplied for a short time but i promise you that I will get everything I had and more form them. Including their head. Soon I reached the lobby and the front desk people's energy sifted the moment I took a step out the elevator. Everything was dead silent. I strutted towards the front desk with anger in my steps. I got to the desk and I looked dead at the front desk lady. "407, new key." She was extremely nervous and flinched and said "y-yes, of course!!" She went through a drawer or something and after huridly trying to find the key she FINALLY found it. "U-uh h-her m-ma'am have a nice d-day!" I yanked the key away from her quickly and headed back to the elevator and I pressed the third floor, why isn't the a goddamn app I can get on my phone for a key?!? Or a card?! Why a KEY?!? God I fucking hate this place. I made it back to my room and put the key in and flung the door open and slammed it shut. I through my new key to the coffee table in the living room.

 I through my new key to the coffee table in the living room

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(The door is behind the left side of the couch

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(The door is behind the left side of the couch.)
I stormed into the kitchen to get a bottle of wine, I reached into the cabinet piped of the Cork it flew across the kitchen as I swung back the bottle of wine,  even though the pain where the stab wound never lessens I just grew to angry to notice or care I felt all the stinging where the bandages are. This is gonna be a long night.

Again thx Pinterest
Sorry if it's bad, hope you enjoyed it tho T^T🖤

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