Now what the hell happened?

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——————-there is violence all thorough out the story but here's a warning anyway cause it the beginning, again whole story is mature content so there won't be any more warning form here on out about it unless I feel likes it necessary :) enjoy—————————-

Unknown POV
As I was swinging back the bottle I still had a mixture of pain from moving a lot cause you know I HAVE A STAB WOUND, nothing to out the ordinary though I guess. But I was also hella mad and I don't know YET but someone is gonna pay big time. Real hell may be borning but I promise to fucking god that I will make it a trillion times more interesting and painful. I put my arm and head down and took a staggered exhale or groan. I held the now had empty bottle of wine in my right hand. I was pissed. What exactly happened? From the LOSING TEN MILLION DOLLARS TO A STAB WOUND AND ENDING UP IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX HALLWAY TO MEMORY LOST? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! Goddamn it. Knowing me and my history you would think that I wouldn't be bothered in the slightest and get it back and not be a bitch about it but trust me. I. Need. That. Money. I mean sure everyone needs ten million dollars I mean it's ten million dollars but I really REALLY NEED IT. Like there's a literal goddamn mafia against me who I stole quarter of a billion dollars from and it I give that money back or I die a painful death. You think I would have the 250 million I stole right? Nope I used it all gambling and buying a shit ton of stuff I need. What? I did as any other person would do! Either way I need that money back pretty fucking fast. Maybe it's time to call up an old 'friend' to help me and what I mean by 'friend' I mean an debt slave who does my bidding when I'm in situations like this. I put the empty bottle on the counter and pulled out my fucked up phone, I dialed a number I memorized. The phone rung a few times and I started getting pissed even more than FINALLY my slave picked up. I told then what they needed to do and what they needed to find out. I hung up the phone quickly being pissed off still. I spoke aloud "this is going to be fun.."

The next night (11:47 pm)
A dark unfamiliar room...

Unknown's POV:
I loaded the hand gun and pressed it again the old mans head who I was gambling with a few nights before. "Tell me where the fuck he is, or I will put two fucking warning shots into your head." I said sternly the man was freaking out and stumbling over his words which made me even angrier. "SPEAK OLD FUCK!" I yelled. "I-I- I only k-know that t-the g-guy who wanted r-revenge on t-this woman name-d-d V-Venus! I d-didn't t-think he would s-steal from y-you! I swear I-I I only know that!" How stupid is this guy?!? I am the person he wants revenge on! This dumb fuck didn't even know he screwed me over!!! "What'" My aura grew even dark and the anger on my face more apparent. " I-I-I'm so sorry I-I don't k-know! P-p-please d-don't k-Ill m-me!! I- " I shot him twice in the head before he even finished his sentence. What? He was annoying me! His body lied in front of me his forehead had a gaping hole in center. His eyes rolled back and blood starting to pool. I pulled the geezer by his wrinkled tie and started to drag his body into a different room. The blood left a line behind his body, I took out a knife and cut the body up into tiny pieces. Blood splattered everywhere but that didn't matter due to the fact it was grey marble walls and nothing stains marble. I ripped the old man apart soonly all that was really left in one piece was his heart, organs and bones. I put all his parts into a black garbage bag, I pitted any person who fucked him he had a four inch dick like what the fuck that's just sad. Geez this man is disgusting. Once I got the geezer in the bag I went to the scraped wooden table practically unseen cause of how dark it was and grabbed a rag, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and the small veil of sulfuric acid. I put the sulfuric acid in my bra, I opened the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and threw some on the walls and on the rag and started to wipe the blood off the walls, floor and some on me. I threw the rag on the floor when I was done and then took and math out my pocket and let it and threw it in the rag. It caught fire quickly and it burned once the rag was almost completely burned I put the fire out with my foot and took the burned former rag and put it in the bag. I tied the bag then swinged it my shoulder then I sighed in annoyance.

Venus POV (formerly knows as 'unknowns') :
(She used the sulfuric acid too dissolve the bones and organs already now she's hiding the rest of the tiny pieces of the body)

I made it too the graveyard and I popped the truck and grabbed a shovel and the garbage bag that had the body in it. I walked over to center of the graver yard and set them down I then turned around and went back to my car and grabbed a small cardboard box and shut the truck. I walked back to where I left the stuff, I placed the box down and pick up the shovel. I started to dig in between two graves. After a while I made a hole at least 5 feet deep I grabbed the garbage bag while I could still reach it. I threw it down and dug two more feet down, I laid down the body and tried to climb out. Fucking bitch!!! UGH! After a bit of work I made it out and started to fill the hole in till it was half way. I picked up the cardboard box and pulled out three dead rats and threw them in the pit then cover them. When the dirt was completely packed in and all that was left was an empty box and the shovel my time to be here was done. I picked up the small box and shovel and went back to my car, I popped the truck open and threw them in there the closed the trunk. I sighed and pulled out and pack of almost empty cigarettes from my pocket and lit it after a few flicks to the lighter. I inhaled and held it then exhaled then went to the drivers seat of my car and put the key in. I put my foot on the petal and start to drive away. I started to be lost in thought and planned dithered actions. I mean I would have gotten another debt slave who does my dirty work but this got me a bit too pissed off so I wanted to do the pleasure of killing these assholes.


Third pov:
-All that is seen is a room with many screens and all sorts of things plastered on them. There was two unknown figures in this dark, small and with the many screens. One of the figures was sitting down with the spinning chair faced to the many screens. The other figure lurking behind the chair. The unknown figure seemed more important that the other..-

The unknown figure behind the one in the chair stood straight and said in a stern, low voice it was no whisper though. "Boss, the man we gave money for information has gone missing. We did in fact get ten million from the girl." The man in the chair did not turn the chair or speak a word. The figure sat silently with no motion for a sold minute until the figure said, " It means nothing that he's missing or even dead. He was needed no more and I would kill him off anyway. It's also good that we got the ten million, but Im not done with my little Venus fly trap.." They man said slightly bored and unamused till the last sentence you could tell he had many wicked thoughts. The few seconds you could hear the insanity could haunt some. The man behind him did not flinch nor say anything others than " Of course boss. I will find more pawns for your plan." The man who called the other boss turned sharply away after saying this and left. The 'boss' sat in the chair still turned to the screens.

The world fades to black almost as if it was a movie but I assure you this was no act....

Sorry it's short and not very good :( Iv been quite busy and stressed. Hope you enjoyed tho-

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