Chapter 12 : The Symbol

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Chapter 12 : The Symbol

"Marina Adironda!"

So strange...

"Devon Aiden!"

Almost six years ago, my friend Michael, my real best friend betrayed me.

"Suzanne Allen!"

All my friends left me to avoid becoming a target.

"Wesley Ashton!"

My whole life was torn apart when my parents ignored my emotions.

"Gina Baril!"

That's when everything started.

"Henry Beaconsfield!"

Other students started to bully me.

"Karen Blair!"

My life became a living hell for five years.

"Patricia Boyd!"

Strange because even if I could remember all the events and still feel the pain they brought to my life...

"Patrick Cannon!"

... living from now on kept on making me want to finally live and fend for myself.

"Cassandra Domini!"

I was not alone anymore.

"Lucas Decker!"

Oh! I didn't become anybody's hero for what I had done. But people seemed to start realizing it was all so childish...

"Lucas Decker!"

And now, as I had finally found some new friends in Michael's gang, I wasn't treated as an outcast anymore.

"Lucas!" Mike hissed through his teeth.

"What?" I asked before being nudged in the ribs by Dennis' elbow.

"Lucas Decker!" announced the voice again.

I quickly lifted myself out of my seat, trying my best to exit the row without crushing anybody's feet. While I was making my way to the podium that had been placed on the stage of the auditorium of the school, I remembered how often I had told myself that I would never attend my graduation day. Jeez, last summer, when I started to work for Federico, I thought I would never finish high school either. I wasn't the same Lucas Decker anymore. Don't get me wrong! Nothing would ever make me forget this suffering I went through. Nobody! But at least, I could learn from what happened. You know, everything hadn't been that bad, if I look back. Even if it hadn't been quite sane for me to be treated the way I had been, I could say that during these years of loneliness, I had matured a lot. Yeah, I had grown up. I was now ready to become an adult. And I knew what I wanted. I didn't want popularity or sports cars, not even money. I didn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of hypocrites waiting to stab me in the back. I had found friendship in Dennis Hutchkins, with whom I could talk freely, Cassandra Domini, my favourite books lover, Federico, my own personal philosopher, and most of all, my real best friend in the whole world, Michael.

A couple of days after I came back to school after having been hit by the car, Mr. Howell packed up his belongings from his office and left the principal's office for a sabbatical vacation, recommended by the school board. Oh! I received an apologetic letter from him a couple of weeks later. See, he probably used to be a great teacher and a good principal at a time. But it seems as being in one place for too long can sometimes get to you and make you grouchy.

"Congratulations, Lucas." Mrs. Campbell said handing me my diploma and shaking my hand.

Mrs. Campbell stopped teaching in October. See, being the vice-principal, she now had a new career of director of the school in front of her. Mr. Manning (well, Jeff, since he didn't like the word mister, as most of our teachers) was a really good literature teacher, but I actually missed Louise's (Mrs. Campbell) way of teaching. One thing that was for sure, after she entered her functions, there was no more bullying in the school that was not staying unpunished.

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