(lol I forgot to add this but character description thing)

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Main characters

Sabina Wilson: A rebellious, complicated, wild, but charming Angel. She can be manipulative and cunning on people she's tracking, but when you normally talk to her in an average conversation, she's nice. Bleached blonde hair and green eyes, her hair is short.

Elena Houghlin: An ex co-owner/worker for the company creating Calisto who got recruited to become an Angel after working with Sabina and Jane to get Calisto into better hands and not have more people die from seizure-like incidents. She isn't the best at fighting or skydiving, but she can land a plane. Dark brown hair and brown eyes, her hair is mid-length and curled.

Jane Kano: Former MI-6 who became an Angel. She can fight, and she was quite close with one of the Bosley's, Edgar, who taught her to fight. She, along with the others have risked their lives to save mostly Europe. Brown hair with highlights and brown eyes, wavy hair coming down to just below her shoulders.

Rebekah (Bosley #2): She was an angel, now she's a Bosley (not like John Bosley) or an assistant of Charlie. She leads Sabina, Elena, Jane, and Dixie so they can do everything they need before the other side fights back stronger than the girls. Blonde hair and blue eyes, wavy and curled hair just on her shoulders.

Dixie Miller: A newly trained Angel like Elena who can fight til death. She may not be the strongest in the technology world, unlike Elena, but she can do a good kick to the face if she needs to. Dark red hair (like dark red dyed, not a redhead) and grey/green eyes, her hair is like 3 inches below her shoulders.

Miley Stewart: Feisty, and a powerful girl who knows martial arts and is good with swords. Trained professionally for battle, but mostly uses self defense with a few kicks here and there. Dirty blonde hair with brown roots and brown eyes, her hair is a bit above her waist and it's almost always in a bun.

Camryn Garcia: Complicated and physical girl. She's good at playing a part for people to believe she's completely innocent while working for Charlie. Also trained in martial arts and is fine with swords. Purple dyed hair and brown eyes, her hair is in a ponytail almost all the time and when it is down it's on her shoulders.

Less main characters

Amanda Carlyle: newly recruited angel who came to fight with Sabina, Elena, Jane, and Dixie

Barbara Hansen: newly recruited angel who came to fight with Sabina, Elena, Jane, and Dixie

Karla Hernandez: newly recruited angel who came to fight with Sabina, Elena, Jane, and Dixie

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