Chapter 4

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Everyone woke up with a loud thud. Being shocked, they all went downstairs through the hidden stairway in one of the closets that went into a bunker. To their surprise, they found Rebekah and her team there.

"Oh my gosh, we thought someone from John's team found us. Not you guys!" Dixie exclaimed.

"Sorry, but we all need to get to work. First we need to figure out who those 2 girls Sabina told me about, and then we have to corner his team." Rebekah told them.

Everyone was going to talk to those girls, but then they would have to figure out a plan. Because if those girls join, then there would have to be plans for them too.

"Ok, Jane, Sabina, and Elena. You girls will mainly talk to them, but everyone will surround them. Ok?" Rebekah continued and everyone caught on.

When they arrived where they had seen the girls before, Elena was the first to see them. She saw if anyone else was near them, but all she saw were those girls. She signed for the others to follow her, and they walked over.

"Hello." Elena said.

"Hi. What do you want? Are you going to take us down? We're pretty sure we're on your good side but that works." A blonde girl muttered.

"Who's side are you even on?" Sabina asked.

"On our side. We're against John Bosley and you are too." The blonde girl responded.

"Wait, so you guys are against him too?" Jane asked.

"Yes, we just told you that. Are you then? You guys seem really powerful and helpful to finally take him and his team down." The other girl said. She had purple dyed hair and brown eyes.

"Thank god, you're technically on our side." Elena exclaimed quietly.

"Ok, we're trying to take down John once and for all! He used to be in charge of us, but he retired and got a team of his own.... So we're trying to take him down because he almost killed most of us including a few of Elena's ex coworkers." Sabina told them.

"Well we should all get to know each other because we don't even know each other's names." The purple haired girl said.

"Well that's true. I'm Sabina." Sabina said and waved.

"I'm Jane." Jane said.

"I'm Elena." Elena exclaimed.

"I'm Dixie." Dixie waved and smiled.

"I'm Amanda." She said in an intimidating way.

"I'm Barbara."

"I'm Karla."

"And that's all of us in Berlin, minus Rebekah. She's not here right now." Sabina exclaimed happily.

"Now introduce yourselves." Jane demanded.

"I'm Miley." The blonde one said.

"I'm Camryn." The one with purple hair said.

"Ok we'll do this later, we really need to figure out a plan to take down at least his team within the next 2 days." Sabina says.

(Miley) Why am I trusting these people with my identity. This is really weird. Camryn trusts them which I guess is good. I hope I'll be able to trust them by tomorrow. If not then I'll probably be judged by Camryn for thinking they're against us when they have proof that they're against him. This is the weirdest experience I've ever had in my life.

Everyone agreed and started working on it. They worked on it for about 45 minutes before coming to a mutual agreement. Miley and Camryn would distract a few members of his team while the Angels take down other people in his team. And then once his whole team is taken down, they'll figure out how to take him down.

"Ok, back to getting to know each other. How long have you been working for whoever you're working for?" Dixie asked.

"We don't technically work for anyone in particular, but we are in governmental control. So all of our stuff has to have a reasoning. And be legal. How 'bout y'all." Miley responded, on the last sentence imitating a country American man in a joking way.

"We take cases either the government doesn't pick up, or ones they don't have enough time or preparation for. Rebekah is 'in charge' of us, she used to be an Angel herself." Elena vocalized.

"Oh wow." Camryn exclaimed.

This chapter is honestly a little concerning. I don't know why my English teacher even let me write about Charlie's Angels for a 5th grade story writing thing.......little odd but ok Miss Rossi.

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