• 1 | Arrival •

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It's clear to me that this carriage didn't care for the welfare of its customers. I've ridden through hills of great density and roads scattered with spiked rocks and the carrier had yet to pause and check to see if their rider was still in the vehicle. If it were not for my heavy briefcase securing me in my seat, I would have been thrown out the window by now. To add to my dissatisfaction, my head was incredibly sore from being pounded against the roof several times.

The rain had been sprinkling now and then during the trip, but it seemed to have poured over Oletus Manor. The poor mare struggled to get her hooves out of the squelching mud, and the thin wheels of the cart barely endured the task. I took a breath of relief as we finally made it to the gates of the building. The coachman stumbled out of his seat to rush to my aid.

"My apologies for the stumbling trip, my lady," he muttered.

I gave him a half-hearted smile, stepped down and handed him a shilling or two for his "troubles." I hadn't had much money for myself, to be honest, but I hoped I had enough for whatever awaited me.

He graciously took the coins and nervously stood beside me as I observed the atmosphere. After a brief pause, he asked, "Are you certain this is the location you specified? I've never seen or heard of this manor before."

I wasn't sure how to respond, as I had never heard or seen it myself either. I reached for my pouch and took out a folded letter. It had arrived one day while I was in my worst state, and while I did not know its sender, it gave me a promise too specific, too crucial for me to pass up. It read:

My dear Lady Y/N,

I've heard your cry of grief, sorrow, and unfathomable anguish. From the torment that has befallen you from your closest peers to the intense judgement you've received from the public. There have been eyes tracking your every move, waiting for the moment to strike and steal something to use against you. No one is lending a hand towards the pit that you've fallen in.

But please suffer no more.

I have been one of the eyes in the audience that knows the truth. I am the only one that offers you this hand. I will graciously pull you out of the hell you've endured and erase the minds of all who have doubted you.

I am offering you a second chance. A chance that will mend the past, your relationships, your status, and your heart. If you kindly follow the address I've written below, I will give you what you desire: peace and happiness.

Please do not reject my hand, for you may regret it evermore.

Someone is waiting for you here. His arrival was purely coincidental, and he knows not of your coming, but I am happily giving him back to you should you visit yourself.

I await your arrival,

Oletus Manor

I realized too late that the coachman had been looking over my shoulder as I re-read the letter.

"Yes, this should be it," I stated as the coachman straightened himself up.

"Understandable. Have a swell visit, my lady."

And with that, he returned to his carriage and lashed the mare. I watched the cart rush into the distance before folding the letter back into my pouch. The gate was unlocked, which made sense as they expected me, but it was rusty enough to cause complications. I shook the iron gate open and walked towards the ominous building.

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