• 4 | The Scientists •

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"That is odd."

Melly made a quizzical hum as I mentioned how I hadn't received a letter after yesterday's match. I was in her bedroom, watching her pace around as I observed her notes on honeymaking.

"Everyone here has received it soon after they first spectated," She continued. "I have an awful feeling about this."

"You don't suppose the baron is plotting something?" I suggested, distracting my unease by observing her pinned collection of arachnids.

"Most likely, but I cannot infer as to what."

I froze.

"You have mentioned that there are eyes everywhere. That the baron could have been observing me while I watched the match, yes?'

She nodded calmly, attempting to sync with my thought process.

"Then they know about me. They've watched me even before I arrived here. Oh, they're going to use me as a puppet, Melly. I just know it!"

"Now, now," Melly consoled me. "We have no evidence of that yet. Do not jump to conclusions."

"I know what they'll do," I interrupted, my finger in front of her mask. "They must have acknowledged my relationship with Luca before and after the match incident. They're going to use him against me!"

"Y/n, dear, don't exaggerate your worries."

"Melly, dear, I'm about to throw myself out your window."

She snickered before clearing her throat. "Has there ever been a minute where you haven't thought about the professor?"

I gave her a dismissive wave, accompanied by a hesitant grin. "This such immature banter. Our relationship isn't a child's tale."

"Y/n, you were fortunate enough to find him again," Melly reminded me. "I was never able to find that love within a man. Even if I did, he would likely bicker in annoyance about my findings." She scoffed darkly.

"Nevertheless, I found that love within my studies, and I wouldn't change that for the world. Luca had similar motives, but the idea that he put time aside to invest in a romantic relationship is almost foreign to me. You had to have meant something to him. He only needs assistance."

"He doesn't love me anymore, Melly," I shook my head. "My very existence is the one thing that brings him discomfort and grief."

"Oh, please, he can't stop babbling about you," She groaned, no doubt rolling her eyes under the mask.

I perked up.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I didn't mutter a word," She tantalized.

"Melly, you scandal! I can hardly speak to him myself, let alone gossip about him." I teased back, which resulted in a quiet snickers from both of us.

It has been so long since I had conversed so intimately with another person. My heart warmed.

"Oh, look at the time," Melly pointed at the small wooden clock on her desk. "The lunch is about to begin. You've memorized where the dining area is, yes?"

"I believe so."

"Alright, you go on ahead and I'll meet you there. I must take care of something first."

With a final farewell, I headed towards a diabolical maze that I had yet to memorize. All I have now is my sense of direction and instincts. Hopefully, they will be able to push me forward.


After the brief moment of joy with Y/n, I sensed there must have been something off with Luca.

Nuvole Bianche | Luca Balsa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now