• 3 | Him •

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His cry pierced my ears and left them shaken. Had I done something wrong? Had I hurt him in some way? All I did was embrace him.

He tumbled to his knees, groaning and clutching tightly onto his raggedy hair. Small volts of blue emanated from his body as he cried, "S-stop it! P-Please make it stop..!"

I stood there breathless, watching him wail in pain as if he'd been stabbed. I wanted to reach out and hold him again. I wanted to cure him, free him from this puzzling pain that had submerged inside of him, but Melly interrupted me by pushing me aside gently.

"Mr. Carl! Mr. Baden! Please soothe him. Take him into the vehicle and try to divert him from what's eating at him." she directed as she rose from the ground. The two men slung Lucas' vigorous arms around them and proceeded into the carriage. It's as if this behaviour was familiar to all but me.

I stared at Melly from the ground, sensing the feeling of isolation in the pits of my stomach. Quite like the emotions I felt from the people of my hometown. What is it that she's not telling me?

"You had better have a plausible argument." I threatened with a hint of guilt. It was unlike me to create a rival so unforeseen, and I'm not relishing it. My thoughts are getting the best of me.

"I don't know how much time this will take to explain, but this is not the Luca you've spoken about before," she began.

"Luca?" I questioned, regaining my composure.

"He goes by a slightly different alias nowadays. He's referred to as Luca Balsa. He's the world-renowned inventor who was indicted for the murder of Alva Lorenz, yes?'

She lifted me from the ground as I furiously wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Yes," I whispered. I could sense that Miss Plinius was about to bestow dreadful news.

Melly gently clutched my shoulders as she told me the truth.

"Miss Y/n... There is no kinder way to approach this, but Mr. Balsa has forgotten about you. He's lost numerous pieces of memories from the day he was taken to prison. The news stated that Alva passed away because he was accidentally electrocuted. Regrettably, he was not the only one. Luca suffered as well and received brain damage. His ideas, his joyful mementos, and now the face of his lover struggle to be recuperated."

My eyes became glassy, but they were not from anger or sadness. I'm not sure what emotion I felt as the tears rolled down.

"Was there s-someone there just now? D-do I know her? W-wait, I need to s-speak with her! A-Ah..." questioned a distressed voice from the cart. All I heard was shushing in reply.

By just holding him, I had already given him immeasurable anguish.

And what of my anguish?

He had forgotten me. My lover has forgotten me.

I held onto Melly and sobbed quietly on her shoulder. There was nothing she could do except apologize for my plight.

There was a piece of hope in my mind. A desperate fantasy. Is there a possibility that we can love anew? To replenish and grow it like the spring flowers that bloom faithfully each year?


I haven't learned my lesson.

It's impossible.

My heart dropped, and my head pulsed. Rage, humiliation, and sorrow held me by their strings.

And the worst is yet to come.

I have to bear the possibility of Luca dying in front of me, just as I met him again.

"This is not the best time, as I've mentioned before." She said as she released me from the embrace and clasped my hands. "Please don't perceive my affiliation with him in an ill direction. He considers me one of his closest friends because he rekindled a single memory with me from the invention fair. It may take a while, but it could still be possible for him to remember you as well."

Nuvole Bianche | Luca Balsa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now