Name Meanings

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I just got the meanings of some Spirit Animal names off of a Baby Names app. (What? I like to know the meaning of things.)
Shane: Irish, God is Gracious. Does anyone else find this ironic?
Meilin: A combination of two Chinese names: Mei, meaning plum and beautiful; and Lin, being a family name, whatever that means.
Abeke: None found. :(
Conor: Irish, meaning "hound lover". In my opinion, it makes plenty sense.
Rollan: German, meaning "renowned in the land". I could make no sense of this, because I do not know what renowned means.
Tarik: Arabian, meaning "morning star", or Egyptian, name of a hero. Tarik is a hero. :)
Olvan: Latin; Peaceful.
Lenori: None found.
Lishay: None found.
Finn: Norse; Finder.
Devin: Latin; Devine, perfect. Or Gaelic; Servant. How ironic.
Kunaya: None found.
Let me know if there's another name you want me to search!

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