Book Idea (don't kill me pwease)

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I have an idea. For a book. That will probably get me murdered. It would be a Spirit Animals fanfic. BUT you might not be happy with the beginning. It would be pretty much set after the Conquerors win. (Like I said, don't kill me.) BUT again, the four WILL NOT BE DEAD. (So you don't kill me) BUT for a THIRD time, the four will not be the main characters. (I know what you're thinking. .0. Mind blown. Pwhoosh.) It will be set like, ten or twenty years in Erdas' future? I think there's gonna be more than one main character, but I'm not sure yet. The four WILL be in this. They WILL BE adults. (I know. You sad. ;3;) It's probably going to start off a little meloncholy. Oh, and sense this period of Erdas' time span is in the Conquerors reign, there are no Nectar ceremonies. .0. There is Bile. Man, PLEASE don't kill me. I WANNA WRITE SOMETIN!!!


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