Summary for Book Idea

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Notice: This is set ten years in the future of Erdas. The events in this fanfic probably won't tie in with the events in the actual series, however, there will be some spoilers. I don't know if the Conquerors really win or not. In this fanfic, they do.

Ever since the Conquerors won the second Great War, Erdas hasn't been the same. The few remaining Greencloaks have either been forced into hiding or killed. Even the Nectar has ceased to exist, the Bile taking its place. The days are dark under the Devourer's rule, known as the Reign of the Serpent. The summoners of the Four Fallen have been mostly forgotten, rumored to be dead.

Living nearly his whole life under the Devourer's reign, young Alex knows little else. He despises the Conquerors ways, but does not want to be thrown into this mess. However, he has no choice as his spirit animal, Pida, is summoned naturally. Refusing to drink the Bile, Alex decides to fight for change. He wants to find the remaining Greencloaks, overthrow the Devourer, and restore the peace.

But how can one boy and weasel change the course of Erdas' history?

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