Chapter 3 - Return to the Kingdom of Fantasy

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Geronimo could only see the blackness around him, and it took some time to open his eyes. When he finally got the chance to have both of his eyes open, he was able to see the realm around him, but it was blurry, slowly focusing. He was laid on his back, and he rolled his head to the side. The orange tuft of hair on his head was shaggy and messy, covered by dirt. He then lifted himself from the ground to sit in a ‘criss-cross’ position, which made him feel nauseous. As time passed, his headache tapered, and he was able to clearly see his surroundings. They landed near a riverbank, which was filled with soil. He then looked up into the deep blue atmosphere of midnight. Scattered stars shimmered like white specks all over the sky, and a white crescent moon could easily be seen in the middle of the dark sky. Fresh air from the field filled his lungs, and the rushing of a nearby river was picked up by his ears. He then looked down at his hands and legs, and he realized that his clothes had changed. He was wearing gold boots, green gloves, and deep brown leggings. He then tried to reach for a pocket on his side, but felt a gold and leather belt, with a sword encased in a sheath. The mouse slowly lifted himself from the ground and noticed Thea beside him. She was wearing dark blue undergarments covered by a silver skirt, boots, and tunic. Her tunic had the symbol of a cerulean blue heart on the center of her chest. She also wore a brown leather quiver filled with arrows with white feathers. Geronimo then kneeled towards her and gently shook her, which woke her up from her dizziness, which was caused by the great fall. She slowly woke up, gradually allowing her eyes to sense shape and color. It felt like it took ten minutes to wake Thea up, and she then lifted herself to sit down. She looked at her brother and was shocked.

“Woah!” She exclaimed, looking at herself, then at Geronimo’s golden tunic, which bore the symbol of a red heart in the center of his chest. “We look different! Where the hell are we? We better not be dead, right?”

“No, Thea.” her brother replied, “We’re in the Kingdom of Fantasy. Do you need help getting up?”

“Sure.” She replied weakly. The grey mouse felt like she did not want the unnecessary help to lift herself up, but wanted to accept her brother’s offer. As a result, she held Geronimo’s hands and used the strength of her legs to rise from the dirt. Both mice were then standing up on the ground, cautiously looking around their surroundings. Both mice then began to walk towards the river, unaware of what may stalk or follow them from behind.

“So this is the Kingdom of Fantasy, huh?” Thea questioned Geronimo, “I only thought it was a made up place that Grandfather William assigned you to write books about.”

What? The Kingdom of Fantasy is very real!” Geronimo answered, smiling. “I always encounter many strange ways to enter and leave. It seems that Queen Blossom may have needed the both of us. It’s quite funny that we literally fell from a bottomless closet into here.”

“Who’s this Queen Blossom?” Thea asked again, “How many people have you met here? It’s like being in an entirely different world!”

A rustling sound could be heard from the bushes and shrubs in the distance, and Geronimo observed a black blurry figure with eyes like glowing red dots stealthily sneak into the plants when he focused his eyes onto the distant source of the sound. For less than a second, the figure looked into the eyes of the mouse, then back into the darkness.

“I’ll explain more of that later. I believe that we’re being followed.” Geronimo said, warning his sister.

Geronimo then got himself distracted by an object on the floor. There was a blue headband with a gold crescent moon symbol, but the piece of jewelry was covered in soil. Geronimo reached out his paw and scooped up the trinket. He then used his paws to wipe the dirt off the object before analyzing it.

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