Chapter One: I'm not really graceful

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        I felt my body shatter into a million pieces, only to combine again in a subway station. I landed rather ungracefully, for my taste, but at least my hand or foot or even head wasn't lost when I apparated.

I ran a hand through my long blonde hair. Looking to my left, I found Dumbledore standing next to me humming. What?

"Nice of you to finally show up, Elara." Dumbledore stated. I merely groaned, then got up from where I was plopped down.

"Why am I here? Can't  Harry handle Slughorn by himself?," I said. Harry. As in Harry Potter. As in my twin brother who is well aware of my existence.

"Slughorn will be more cooperative if you are there, Elara." Dumbledore sighed, like being near me was a massive chore. 

A boy with tousled black hair came over to us. He looked exactly like Dad. I look identical to Mom, only with blonde hair and green eyes. Dumbledore had said something about me being unsafe in America, where I've spent my entire life, so I had to come to Britain to go to Hogwarts. Yay! If I wasn't in my 6th year, that is! I don't  really need to go to school, as I was learning things that they teach 7th years when I was a 3rd year. I learned everything from everyone on my Quidditch team. They all pitched in, since everyone in my family died when I was a baby. Except Harry.

"Harry, this is your sister that I was telling you about. Harry, this is Elara, Elara, this is Harry." Dumbledore said. Harry had a scar that matched mine. He looked back at a girl who was clearly waiting for him. Finally, he recognized that I was there. Harry embraced me in a massive hug.

"Nice to meet you too," I croaked. He smiled at me, clearly estatic. Okay. Please tell me his friends aren't like this. 

Dumbledore interuppted, bless his heart. He offered his arm to Harry, who got this freaked out looked on his face. 

"Your're gonna Apparate," I whispered. 

"How do I do that?"

"Watch and learn.," I said as my body broke into peices again.

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