Chapter 6: Who the heck invented stairs?

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A/N:pleaseeeeeee vote and comment if you want more chapters


Gryffindor welcomed me the second the sorting hat called my name. I wasn't sure why I had to be sorted, obviously I was going to be put into Gryffindor. I'm not super studious like the Ravenclaws, I'm not sweet and humble like Hufflepuff, and, while I am cunning, am not enough to get into Slytherin. Plus I kinda told the hat I would burn it if it put me in anyplace but Gryffindor. As much as I hate to admit it, starting a new life at a new school scared me. I wanted to be close to people I knew, not be stranded by myself in another house.

I guess being a Potter gave me some sort of popularity. People wanted to sit by me and I made a lot of new friends. There was Neville, literally the nicest guy ever, Seamus, Lavender, Dean, Cormac, Katie, Luna, plus a bunch of other people. They made me feel so welcome, and i was sure I would fit in. Of course, my brother missed the ceremony and I got up to look for him, leaving Ron eating and Hermione glaring.

On my way out of the Great Hall, I ran into someone. A black-haired Slytherin girl, complete with sneer.

"Watch where you're going, stupid first year," she snarled.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you little--"

"Pug face, mousy hair, ugly expression... you must be a Parkinson!" The girl gasped and I knew I was right on target with my insult.

"How dare you!"

"Deal with it, Parkinson. And don't talk to me, m'kay?" I snarled and walked away, back to my table where Harry was sitting, blood on his face. I plopped down in the chair next to him.

"Do I want to know?"

"No. It doesn't matter-" He was cut off my Dumbledore silencing us. He gave us a long speech on how dark forces greatest weapon was YOU, yhadda, yhadda, yhadda.

"Now, pip pip, off to bed."

The Hall dispersed and I got caught up in the mass of people. They dragged me down a corridor until we reached a staircase. Pretty much everyone was already gone, so I started walking up the stairs to the common room.

Suddenly the stairs moved causing me to fall. Someone caught me though. I turned around, about to thank the person, only to find stormy grey eyes staring back at me.

"You know, if I wasn't here you probably would have fallen. You're welcome," Malfoy said in that sexy voice, with that slightly messy but mostly perfect hair, and that gorgeous face.


"Oh, um, thanks," I said. Look at me! I know how to talk!

"I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy." Insert sexy smirk.


"Hi. Hello. What's up? The sky!" I replied, cringing. His lips turned upward in a hint of a smile.

"Sorry. I do know how to talk without making bad jokes and sounding completely idiotic. I'm Elara, obviously new here. My stupid brother kindly didn't mention the fact that the stairs move. "

"You look familiar though. Who's your brother?" Welp, this is awkward. 

"Umm, Harry. Listen, I know you don't like him but--"

"So he's been talking about me. Typical Potter, being a pain in the ass," Malfoy grumbled.

"That, sir, is a very accurate description of Harry Potter." He chuckled softly before his face transformed into a stony gaze at me, scrutinizing me.

"You're way too attractive to be a Potter" Holy frogs, Draco Malfoy just practically called me hot. I'm gonna go have a heart attack.


"Oh, thanks. Yeah Harry looks like dad and I look like mom--" He smirked at me again, causing me to stop  talking. 

"Too bad you're in Gryffinor," he said.

Sensing an awkward lull in the awkward conversation, I said "I think i should probably go to the common room now, my brother will be spazzing out if I don't make it back in time for "curfew"" 

"Here, I'll walk you. You probably don't know the way."

"uh, ok, sure."He smiled a little at my discomfort. "I'm not as terrible as your friends make me out to be, just so you know."

"Didn't you call Hermione a mudblood," I questioned, looking up at his tall frame. The guy was at least 6 inches taller than my 5'6" frame. I'm defenitley not petite. I wouldn't say I'm fat either, but I'm not thin. My body bothers me so much because everyone I'm friends with is smaller than me. Or, that's what I think. Somebody once told me that I was too fat to play Quidditch, so I've had this messed up view of my body ever since. People tell me that I'm hot and since I'm taller than them and built differently that I should be a model, but I just laugh it off. I never can tell if they are making fun of me but...

I'm so caught up in my train of thought that I don't realize Malfoy has stopped. He's standing quietly, eyes cast downward. I walk back to him and tilt my head to look into his eyes but he just turns away.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." This is a complete change from the sexy bad boy attitude that he had only a minute ago. His perfect tall, commanding posture has changed.

"Bull. Something's wrong. Tell me now or I'll hex you into next week." I say, grabbing his large hand and making him walk with me.

"I've made mistakes, okay. And I'm not necessarily proud of them. I'm sorry for calling Granger a mudblood, I really am. It's just, you wouldn't understand. You don't have parents who put so much pressure on you to be the perfect Slytherin, the perfect son, just to be perfect," he rants, running a hand through his blond hair, messing it up a bit, making it look so freaking perfect--


"Actually, I do understand. I will always be in Harry's shadow. People forget about the fact that I'm here, too. He got all  the fame. Trust me, living as Harry's sister isn't all it's stacked up to be," I say. He sighs softly before looking down at me with those beautiful grey eyes in which I can see both pain and perfection.

"Um, here's your common room." He points to a portrait of a very large woman.

"Thank you for walking with me," I murmur quietly.

"Of course. Goodnight Miss Potter."

"Goodnight, Mister Malfoy."

If You're Lucky (Draco Malfoy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin