Chapter 3: Elara Potter = Stalker?

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        Ron's brother were hillarious! Hermione, Ginny, and I were standing staring at a love potion in Fred and George's store. All of a sudden, Ron and Harry notioned to us. We came and joined they by the window.

"Who are we stalking?," I joked.

"It lookes like Draco and mommy don't want anybody following them.," said Harry, dead serious.

"Who's Draco?," I asked. Harry pointed to a guy wearing a fancy coat standing outside. He had this really attractive face and white blond hair.

"He's our biggest enemy," said Ron. "He's been a jerk to us ever since first year, and we call him Malfoy."

"Yeah, Elara, you should stay away from him," said Ginny. Hmm. I generally do the opposite of what people tell me to do. I grabbed my emerald colored peacoat and opened the door. "Let's follow him, I said. Allin favor of following a hot guy, raise you hands. (I'm raising mine).

We ran clown clark allyways, following the sunshine colored hair. As we ran, I asked Hermione why Malfoy was so bad. 

"He called me mudblood," she whispered. Umm, okay, but I've been called worse.

The alleys reeked of rotting fish. I wrinkled my nose in disquist, and promptly covered my face with my black infinity scarf.

Then, Harry stopped me. I looked over to see Malfoy and his mom walk into Borgin and Burkes.

"If you expect me to go in there, " I said, " forget it." That place was creepy! We instead scrambled over to the roof. I quicly ascended, thanks to a few cart wheels. Poor Hermoine, Ron, and Harry. They were quite breathless as they hefted themselves onto the rafters.

A man came outside. He looked around and we ducked from his view. Then, he went and closed the windows and blinds. Darn him, squashing our plans.

I slid off the roof.

"Don't even think about it, Elara," Harry warned. 

"Too late. Besides, they don't know me. I'll just go be a pleasant customer." And with that, I walked into the shop.

Oops, I transformed my coat to black quickly, so it seened like I fit in. Ugh, thsi place was filled with skulls. I pretended to be interested in a peice of ugly jewlery while a shopkeeper came over to me.

"Miss, would you like to buy that?"

"Oh, I'm just looking," I said with a big charming smile." But I'd love to hear all about this lovely peice."

The creepy guy launched into a boring converstation while I let my eyes wander throughout the store. Aha! Target acquired.

Malfoy was standing next to a black cabinet. Holy crap! That was a vanishing cabinet. Suddenly, his head whipped and I found myself staring into his eyes. My heart raced. Wait, what? Then, his drifted up to my forehead. What was he looki--oh. My scar. The one that is in the shape of a lightning bolt. his eyes narrowed. I turned back to the salesman.

"While your jewelry is stunning, I am afraid I must leave," I said. I looked back. Malfoy was watching.

I quickly turned around, giving a big smile to all that were looking at me. And then I speed walked out of the store.

Ron and Harry were waiting.

"Did you find anything?"

"No.", I said. "But I should have covered my scar better!"

We ran off in the other direction.

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