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The ice cream got to our room, we watched a couple episodes of Death Note. I was surprised when he said he was into anime like I was, which made me happy to know we had the same taste in shows and movies.

We finish our ice cream as my mom finally texts me back.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LILLY* Mom omg me and Noah share a room! jfiejifjas

MOM* really? I thought you had your own. well, that's good for you!! Noah seems like a nice boy.

LILLY* that's not the point but anyways I'm going to bed gn <3

MOM* Goodnight hon


I yawn and sit up from my bed to go into the bathroom. I shut the door and do my business. Then I brush my teeth and do my skin routine. I then finish and throw the wet towel I used to wipe off my face into the hamper for room service. I walk back out to where my bed was and turned off the light of the room. "Going to bed?" Noah asks. "yeah," I say as I rub my eyes and fall on my bed. "That's my queue to go to bed then," he says as we both let a small laugh out. I then get comfortable as he turns down the T.V. I then plug in my phone and remember to lock the door.

"Goodnight," Noah says as I mumble a small "goodnight loser," back to him. He chuckles as I fade into sleep.

&quot;just friends&quot;^a Noah jupe fanfiction^Where stories live. Discover now