Aren't you all? Cg! Phil and Techno Littles! Wilbur, Tommy, bee duo 2/4

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Summery: Phil and his boys are off to the US. Before Wilbur finds out about Ranboo being little and Tommy and Tubbo both find out about each other being little. Meanwhile Techno suspects something and sets up in the house just in case anyone is.



Cg! Phil

Cg! Techno

Little! Wilbur

Little! Tommy

Little! Tubbo

Little! Ranboo



Phil: Dada, Da

Techno: Tech

Wilbur: Wil, bud

Tommy: Toms, bubs

Tubbo: Tubs, Bee

Ranboo: Boo, Kiddo


Names in phone:

Phil- Dadza

Techno- The blade

Wilbur- Sooty

Tommy- Child

Tubbo- Bee boy

Ranboo- Ranboob



All platonic family!


Tw: Slight panic attack.

Note: This is my second time having to write this because it didn't save the first time! Anyway please leave me prompts or something, I want to put out more stuff but need ideas! And thanks for 1.1k reads and over 100 votes!!!!


Phil woke up around 7am and realized he was the only one awake, despite it being around 5pm for those in the US. He checked the call and saw everyone still there, but none made themselves known to be awake when Phil mumbled a quiet good morning.

So he put himself on mute and moved it to his phone before going to the kitchen. He made himself some breakfast and then ate. He left his phone in his room while he got changed in the bathroom and when he came back he noticed Wilbur had turned on his camera and Wilbur was sitting at his desk doing something.

"Good morning Wilbur." Phil says unmuting. Wilbur turns to look at his camera and waves, since Wilbur was still on mute himself. "You excited?"

"Old man will you shut it." Tommy grumbled, obviously just waking up. Phil made note that both of them seemed to be out of little space.

"Good morning Tommy." Phil laughs.

"Good morning." Tubbo mumbles from his side, kind of spooking people. They both turn on their cameras, both still in bed and hair all over the place.

"Why are you awake" Ranboo grumbled and that made everyone laugh.

"Ranboo mate, it's 5pm for you." Wilbur says unmuting. Ranboo just groans in response. "So he is not an evening person." Wilbur jokes.

"I didn't sleep last night too excited for you guys to come here." Ranboo explains, still grumbling. They all nodded and people began to do the remaining things that needed to get done with before the trip. About two hours later Techno woke up and was annoyed that he had to be awake.

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