Sleepy time Cg! Wilbur Little! Tommy 1/1

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Summery: Tommy comes over to Wilbur's house and promptly falls asleep on top of Wilbur



Cg! Wilbur

Little! Tommy



Wilbur: Wil, Wilby

Tommy: Toms, Kit, sweetheart


Relationship: Brothers your honor o7


Tw: None? 

Prompt/Message: (came from my brain but this is what I wrote in my notes app) Tommy passes out at Wils place and Wil takes care of sleeping Tommy while posting on snap story (not public) /irl

Note for everyone: Sorry I forget about this book, I usually forget about a lot of them tbh- 


Tommy said he wasn't tired. He said it once and he'd probably say it a million more times. But Wilbur knew better than to believe the boy when he said he wasn't tired. 

The reasons why Tommy liked to say he wasn't tired were simple, 1. Being tired made him feel small and he was embarrassed about being small a lot and 2. When he was tired Wilbur made him go to bed, and he didn't like bed time. 

"Not tired." Tommy whined as he sat on Wilbur's couch.  Wilbur rolled his eyes as he sat down next to Tommy. 

"Sure you aren't kit, you just came to my house for what, my food?" Wilbur teased and Tommy folded his arms. 

"Am I not allowed to come over to big brother Wil's house?" Tommy asked as he raised his eyebrows and Wilbur chuckled. 

"You come over to my house when you want comfort and you want to get a good night sleep." Wilbur corrects and Tommy shakes his head. 

"Simply not true Wil, why must you lie to yourself?" Tommy joked and Wilbur shook his head this time. 

"You'll be the death of me sweetheart." Wilbur said as he reached his arm out and dragged Tommy into laying down with him. Tommy wrapped his arms around one of Wilbur's and Wilbur laughed. 

"Not sleepy Wilby." Tommy said, his tone giving away how small he was feeling. If Wilbur had to guess he was probably around 2-3. It didn't entire matter his exact age, Wilbur had told him to get into pjs as soon as Tommy arrived unannounced and drenched in rain at 10:34pm. 

"Sure Toms." Wilbur said as he ran his free hand through Tommy's hair for a moment. Tommy hummed softly and leaned into the touch. He only stopped to put on UP, which caught Tommy's full attention. 

They laid there for a while like that. Wilbur running his hand through Tommy's hair while Tommy leaned into the touch and grew sleepier and sleepier. Wilbur tried not to laugh as Tommy eventually fell asleep on top of him. 

When Tommy seemed fully asleep Wilbur carefully slipped out from under Tommy. He knew that if little Tommy woke up and Wilbur wasn't there that it would be a full meltdown, but he needed to do a few things before they were both asleep for the night. 

The first thing he needed to do was get Tommy's socks off. Tommy hated it when he went to bed with socks on, Wilbur hated wearing socks to bed too. But because Tommy was being stubborn and acting like he wasn't going to bed, he didn't take off his socks. 

Wilbur was quick to get them off and throw them in the hamper. The next thing he did was find Tommy's spare pacifier that was kept there, along with his spare stuffed raccoon toy. Usually Tommy had more gear, but it was gear he brought with him from his own place. There was always spares at Wilbur's just not as much. 

Wilbur walked back to Tommy and put the plush in Tommy's arms, which he took at once. He then held the pacifier near Tommy till Tommy opened his mouth and took it. Wilbur smiled softly when he did. 

Wilbur then went over to a small basket in the corner and dug for a moment. He was looking for one specific blanket that Tommy loved. It was a baby blue color, and Tommy had picked it out when they went shopping one day. Once Wilbur found it he brought it back over and spread it over Tommy, smiling at the small boy. Tommy looked so peaceful when sleeping. 

Wilbur then grabbed his phone to snap a picture, smiling softly down at it. He then went to post it on his snapchat story. 

He had snapchat but it wasn't public. It was for his friends and that's it, not even Wilbur's family knew he had a snapchat. There was also specific stories on his snapchat. One specifically was for when he spent time with little Tommy. 

The people who could see that story were everyone who knew about Tommy's regression. That list was short but meaningful, Phil, Techno, Ranboo, Tubbo, Dream, Niki, Eret, Aimsey, Bill and Freddie. (Most of the cricket crew found out all at once during a sleepover gone a bit wrong) 

But Wilbur posted the picture, but first he added the words on top 

"Someone said they weren't tired, then passed out on my couch"

Minutes after he posted it both Tubbo and Ranboo had slid up on it. Tubbo said Tommy looked so comfy and joked about how he was the type of person to say he wasn't tired but then passed out on people's couches. 

Ranboo just said to tease Tommy for it when he woke up. 

Wilbur rolled his eyes but smiled anyway, sitting down on the floor near the couch. Granted this wasn't comfortable but he wanted to be near Tommy for a bit without accidentally waking up Tommy. It would not be very fun if he woke up right now. 

So Wilbur sat on the floor for a while. It was long enough of a time for UP to finish playing. Wilbur yawned as he looked at the time, it was slightly after 1am. He really should get to bed, but he didn't want to leave Tommy alone out here. 

Wilbur stood up slowly and quietly, putting his phone in his pocket as he did so. He then reached under Tommy and scooped him up, blanket and plush included. He quietly and with as little disruption as he could manage made his way back to his room. He placed Tommy down on the bed and walked to the other side to climb in. 

Once Wilbur was settled under the blankets as well he turned off the lamp and exhaled softly. He made it without waking up Tommy. Or so he thought. 

"Thanks for carrying me Wilby." Tommy said, voice muffled by the pacifier. Wilbur sat up slightly and looked down at Tommy. 

"Did I wake you up?" Wilbur asked concerned, brows furrowed. He tried so hard not to wake him up. 

"I never sleep." Tommy said lightly, smile on his face. Wilbur face palmed. 

"You mean the whole time you were awake?" Wilbur asked and Tommy nodded, giggling. "Kit, come on! I did all that because I thought you were sleeping!" 

"And love me!" Tommy said in the same tone back. Wilbur smiled and nodded. 

"Of course, because I love you. But now it's actually time for sleep Toms." Wilbur said as he laid back down, Tommy immediately cuddling into him. 

"Lobe you Wilby." Tommy said as he put his head under Wilbur's chin. Wilbur wrapped his arms around Tommy softly. 

"Love you too Toms." Wilbur smiled. Soon enough they both fell asleep, for real this time.   


For Sage since zi didn't get to read the new hinah chapter

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