America, pog Cg! Wilbur Little! Techno 1/1

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Summery: While visiting America Wilbur has to see his best buddy Techno. When they're out shopping Techno starts to regress, and Wilbur doesn't entirely understand it but tries his best because he's a good "brother"



Cg! Wilbur

Little! Techno



Wilbur: Wil, Wilby

Techno: Tech


Relationship: Friends, fake brothers, idk platonic stuff


Tw: Mention of cancer, nerf gun (ik that's not a trigger but it talks about shooting someone with a nerf gun and I don't want people to think it's a real one)

Prompt/Message: fReDdY- yOuRe suPpOsed tO bE oN loCkdown on ao3 (I absolutely love the username you have no idea)

L! Cc!Technoblade

Cg: cc!wilbur

Headspace age: 0-1

Gear: light red paci w/ black highlights

Wilbur is over in america for a vacation, and him and techno go to meet up, while out and about, maybe at a restaurant; techno slips, they go home after they finish eating and wilbur takes care of techno

Note for everyone: I didn't quite see the lunch angle here but I got something close to it. Hope you don't mind. Also, I like requests but doesn't mean I'll get them done quick lmao, be patient.

Also I based this off of when I met my online bsf for the first time so shush it nerds 


Wilbur was over the moon, he was going to meet Techno, the Technoblade, potato war starting-faking orphan killing-pig skinned Minecraft character- American man.

Wilbur wasn't in the US for too long, another quick trip. It was still exciting since he couldn't see Techno last time due to it being too dangerous due to his cancer. But now Techno was in remission and doing better than ever.

So it was deemed safe, and Wilbur couldn't wait any longer to see him.

Pulling up to the shopping mall that they had planned to meet at Wilbur smiled. He was about an hour early, his anxiety was telling him to scope out the place before Techno got there. He knew it would be okay but he wanted to make sure everything was fine, control what he could and not what he couldn't.

So Wilbur walked in. It was a nice mall, had some restaurants like olive garden and a red robin in it. Both places seemed interesting to Wilbur but he kinda wanted to look at some of the shops first.

He walked around until his phone was buzzing. He looked down and saw it was his group chat with Tommy, Techno and Phil. It was a picture of Techno wearing a mask, sunglasses, holding a tiny nerf gun with the caption "It's on sight"

Tommy immediately said that Techno was cosplaying as Ranboo and how he doesn't need to look like 'boob boy' Phil just sending a 'lmao'

Wilbur laughed at his phone. He sent back a "Can't wait to be put out of my misery" before sliding it back into his pocket. He walked around some more, got a monster from a vending machine, and sat on a bench. He pulled out his phone and took a video of him sipping the monster while smiling greatly, posting it to Instagram with no context.

He continued to mess around his phone, trying to ignore the clock but failing it and checking every 5 minutes. He then got a text from Techno in their dms.

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