chapter 6

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Okay I just want to start off my saying thank you so much guys for 200 views all together on this book to you it might not seem to be alot but for me it is and I'm so thankful but let's get onto the story!

I open my eyes to a bring room I felt dizzy and my head was banging ugh what happened i thought to my self until I started to hear muffled voices but they soon became clearer "Mel if you can hear us blink twice Mel?" A deep voice said they must've been in their 40-50's but I blinked twice I then heard a gasp and someone crying they sounded familiar Wait mum? Whys mum crying?!?! "Mel of you are still with us try to say something". The deep voice said again I opened my mouth and it felt so hard to speak but I manged to say "m-mum?"  "BABY MY BABY!" My mum said bawling her eyes out. I could see clearer now and the deep voice was a doctor he sat me up, I looked and mum and she looked so tired she had dark bags under her eyes and her eyes were bloodshot from crying so much she looked pale and ill "Mel you had a serious fall and you blacked out you memories might be a little hazy for a while so you are going to spend the night here also your head was split open so we stitched it." Omg it sounds serious but I don't remember falling?

(Lucus's backstory)

Lucus grew up poor his parents both got killed and murdered right in front of his eyes so lucus grew up as an orphan with all this pain and angry he decided to join the mafia for the money and he wants to get back and whoever killed his parents when he joined the mafia he found out his parents were apart of it before they died Leroy told him this Leroy is the leader of the mafia  lucus is now on his most important mission to find Aylissa Moore and kill her as punishment for miss.Moore as when miss.Moore was in the mafia she pretended to be apart of it and everyone trusted her so she found her way to steal all the money and run away normally it wasn't a big deal to Leroy but he was furious and now is gonna get revenge on her daughter and is sending lucus to do this.

Lucus is also a player he only uses girls for hookups and he can get whoever he wants just by looking at them well not it mels case ;).

{Back to mels pov}

"Okay so miss. Adams the price for all of this is £10,000." "W-what? I can't afford that!" My mums says I stare in shock until someone suddenly bursts through the door and slams 10k on a table in the room "l-lucus?" I say "heyy how are you? Are you okay?" He says to me "yeah I'm fine but you don't have to pay!" "Yes please you don't have to pay!" My mum says "no but I will doctor it's all paid." "THANK you so much!" My mum says as she hugs him." "It's fine miss, but may we have some alone time?" Lucus says  "oh of course!" My mum says while giving me a worried look as she walks out.

{Lucus's pov}

My baby even looks pretty in the hospital her long hair is spread all across her pillow and her blue eyes looking up at me she's so hard to read I lean in to kiss her as I kiss her she looks  so happy she gives me a cute smile and she pulls me against her I would love to rip the clothes of off her and fuck her but I know she's sensitive so I lay with her, then I hear the door open and her mum enters she looks shocked as I lay beside her daughter "Oh uh hi mum" babygirl says blushing and giving an awkward look "you guys are so cute! But sadly visiting hour is over and lucus we have to leave" babygirls mum says I sign as I walk out the sadness on my baby's face was unbearable I felt guilty leaving her but what could I do?

{Mel's pov}

I watched as lucus left I felt so lonely sitting in a dark room doing nothing iv never felt like this but I just want lucus I want him and his body I want his hands to trace my body I want his hands to make my p*ssy throb wait! What am I saying I shake my head violently trying to get the thoughts out I looked around the room and realised I was wearing a disgusting hospital dress this is more revealing than my clothes i think to myself it was a blue night dress that didn't cover my ass if I put my arms up great I think to myself I then hear a noise a banging noise I couldn't see where it was coming from until I saw lucus banging on the window across from my bed I giggled and opened the window I then felt my cheeks heating up as he walked up to me.

I jump out of bed to hug him he lifts me up a little and I wrap my legs around his waist "fuck babygirl you even look sexy in a night gown" he says smirking I blush and he then sits on the hospital chair and I still had my legs wrapped around his waist I smiled looking up at him he then gave me that look the look that I secretly loved. He then grabbed my ass and began to...

Next chapter ;) make sure to star this if you want more or even leave a comment!

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