Julien III

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“I saw it on the news, too. I hear it was very close to us?”

“Across Nanping Road, then a little further on. When I go see my parents and don't want to cross the bridge, I go around that way. I thought it was a mess before, but I didn't expect... hey!”

The two office workers were too engrossed in slacking off and chatting in the tearoom to notice that there was someone standing behind them listening in. One office worker's hand shook, nearly spilling the whole cup of hot water as a libation onto the floor.

“Careful.” Fei Du put his hand under the cup she was holding, took it from her, and put it aside. “Next time don't pour such hot water. You have such tender hands, what if you burn yourself?”

Fei Du generally didn't speak at all loudly, and everything he said seemed to be ordinary human speech. But passing through his mouth, human speech could at once turn into something with a covert feeling of intimacy. It often led people to form one-sided affections. Though fortunately he usually spoke and then left, leaving others ample time to destroy their own illusions.

“President Fei, you scared me!” At first the young office workers in the tearoom had been startled, but seeing it was him they quickly relaxed, because in comparison to the former Chairman Fei, who had been a man who'd always had the last word, Young Master Fei, rightful heir to all he possessed, was basically a charming mascot.

He wouldn't bring the disgusting playboy habits of his private life into the office. Here, his display of “steadiness” was performed to satisfaction. Ordinarily he didn't especially exercise his decision-making powers and didn't take on many assignments. Even when teasing the young ladies with a few stray words, he usually maintained a strong sense of propriety. Rigorously adhering to the principle that “the rabbit doesn't eat next to its warren,” he didn't overstep any bounds.

Fei Du used a paper towel to wipe away the spilled hot water, then handed the cup back. He casually asked, “What were you two just talking about?”

“We were talking about the West District across the way. Yesterday there was a mugging and killing, and it seems that the criminal hasn't been caught yet. What if the HR department sends everyone an e-mail? To remind everyone to be extra careful on the way to and from work?”

“All right,” said Fei Du seriously. “And if that doesn't work, we'll just go on vacation and wait until the bad guy has been caught to come back. How could work be as important as your safety?”

The two girls clearly knew he was talking nonsense, but they were still overwhelmed with delight and went happily back to work.

After a while, Fei Du did indeed receive an e-mail from the HR department.

He poured about a half a cup of chocolate-hazelnut syrup into his coffee cup, planning to use the sugar to bind up every molecule of caffeine. He had nothing to do at the moment, so while he stirred he opened the streaming video attached to the e-mail.

Late last night, behind this residential building in the city's West Flower Market District, a violent crime occurred. At present, the police have yet to issue any official statement. Reports say that the victim Mr. He lived in an illegally shared apartment near the crime scene...

The video came from an online news site widely known for its sensationalism. The prudish voiceover jabbered on for a couple of minutes, and then from outside the frame suddenly came a loud commotion.

The swaying camera, fearing to miss out on the action, quickly shifted its focus over to a small food stand.

A middle-aged lady wearing an apron, who may have been the food stand's owner, was just scowling and shoving a teenage boy. “Little whelp, can you not count, or has your conscience been chewed up by a dog? You'd even steal these few yuan? And once you've stolen them, what will you do? Take them home and buy your mother a coffin?”

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