Chapter 1

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   The Ootori's Estate was pretty big. The driver opened my door after unloading my luggage, walking on the pathway towards the large double doors. There, I was greeted by a maid when she took my luggage. 

    "Hello Ms. Sophie," weirdly though, due to pronunciation it sounded like soofii. Hmm this will be difficult to get used to.  I responded with a polite smile, I usually don't like to boss around any maids or cooks, or anyone. It's just for the reason, I felt bad, they deal with enough considering most of the time, people who employ them are stuck up rich people. 

   "You can just call me soph." It felt weird not speaking english. I've lived in a lot of places. Obviously, I was born in the US, moved to Canada when I was 2 for a year, then we spent a few summers in France, and on top of that, we moved around the states constantly. 

   The maid only thanked me, and lead me to my room, "Mr. Ootori will come meet you when he gets out of his meeting," She said starting to unzip my suitcase. I found it odd she started to unpack my bag, I didn't want to be rude, it was her job after all. I couldn't though. 

    "I can unpack my own bag," I gave her a friendly smile. she only nodded and rushed out. I slowly flipped the top open, and took the bare essentials out, for example, my hygiene related products that were in there. Most of the stuff was already here, I nicely folded up the clothes into the dresser. 

    I heard a cough as I looked up, a man that seemed to be around 5'9 maybe, with glasses. Hos face was cold, he had a few wrinkles on his face. I smiled.

    "Ms. Sophie, I wanted to welcome you to our home, I'm Yoshio Ootori, but you can just call me Mr. Ootori." 

    "Please, call me soph," I paused to rethink, "your home is real lovely, thank you for letting me stay here." He nodded. 

  "You may go back to what you were doing," I smiled going to continue to unpack, "say the maids should be doing that for you," Before he could continue I spoke out.

   "With all do respect, I think I got it Mr. Ootori, the maid seemed really overwhelmed, so I thought to let her off." He raised an eyebrow and shrugged a little bit. I only just smiled as a response.  Finally he left, he just seemed a little cold.

   Meanwhile-Kyoya's POV

   Sitting doing finances per usual at the host club was routine. I don't get it though, these morons spend more money on cake, and dumb costumes than anyone I've met. I will have to admit though, I guess it's worth it after seeing our clients satisfied. On top of that, I knew that maybe this could boost my chance of my father handing the company to me. I hope so at least, but even if it didn't do anything, at least I made some friends. Each of them were idiotically different from each other, which makes things fun. 

   It's all like a big game to me, I enjoy a little bit competition. According to my father, we have a big opportunity for the company to start branching out internationally, he also said something about me having to do something very important for that to happen, if they agreed. 

   A girl from America will be staying with us for a while, she will also attend Ouran with me. I don't really know what my father is going to pull out of his sleeve but I have a feeling this girl's family is going to be key to this "international opportunity."I don't know what that means for me, but if It will make my father happy or even the littlest bit satisfied, I guess I'm down.  

   I snap back to reality when I see Tamaki acting like a moron again, and growing mushrooms in the corner. I'm pleasantly going to assume it has something to do with either Haruhi or the twins. Not really my problem right?

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