Chapter 3

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   The ride home was pretty silent, I don't know about him, but something seemed off to me, like something big was going to happen tonight. Kyoya himself seemed weird from when I first met him, maybe it was all an act, but to be honest, I just think he knows something. 

   "Senpai, remind me again, what time will my father be here?" He gave me a quick sudden glare from his black notebook.  

   "I would've expected you, out of all people, but if I must remind you, I don't have a issue with it," he paused, "If I remember correctly, he should be at the estate in about 2 hours." I nodded and smiled in return, the rest of the car ride was silent, we finally pulled up to the large modern estate.

   "After you miss," The driver smiled, I gave up, these people are so overly trained, and I feel bad. I stepped out, grabbed my backpack, heading into the house. I turn directly to the stairs heading upstairs, but something just didn't seem right. The house didn't have the awkward dead silence it usually does. The two days I've been here, I felt the house was almost directly unoccupied, but it did not feel like that. 

   As I open my door, I notice my stuff, specifically my clothes. Taking a closer look, there was a girl, no it wasn't one of the servants. I cleared my throat as she suddenly turned to me startled. 

   "Oh my lord, you're even prettier in real life," she kept rambling on, but she has quite similar features to kyoya. 

   "Miss, may I ask you who you might be, and why you're in my room, looking through my cloths?" Interrupting her rant, she gave me a look.

   She smiled even bigger, "I'm Fuyumi Ootori-Shidou, hmm, does kyoya nor father not mention me?" She said still giving a bubbly smile, but I knew deep down, she was annoyed at them for not talking about her. 

   I sighed, "I don't really recall them saying anything about you, or any siblings in fact." I felt bad for being so blunt, I could've lied to make her feel better, but in reality it's just the truth.

   I shrugged, and she just smiled, yet again, she also knew something. These stupid Ootori's and knowing stuff. 

   After she left, I put some mascara on, got a black dress that went a little above the knees, and fell partially off the shoulders. I decided to just put my hair up in a half up half down sort of look. Even with my short blonde hair, It still looked cute. I finished the outfit off with a few necklaces, bracelets that shimmered slightly, and a pair of earrings that my mother left me with. I examined my complexion in the mirror, smooth like always. 

   And like that, it was almost time my father would be arriving; with that, I placed my phone onto my desk while pacing out the door. The large hallways lead me to the very staircase by the main entrance. I admired the entrance, the windows made the place seem larger, and refreshing. I smiled, and turned right to where the dining room would be.

   Mr. Ootori, Kyoya, Fuyumi, and two guys that I didn't recognize, "Sorry if I'm a little late." 

   "Actually you're right on time, your father should be here soon as scheduled," Mr. Ootori spoke up, I noticed kyoya zoning out a little bit. "I believe you met my daughter Fuyumi if I'm not mistaken?" 

   "Yes, we ran into each other earlier, sir," I smiled sending her a nice glance.  He nodded approving before he stood up.

    "These are my two eldest sons, Yuuichi, and Akito." I smiled as they walked over to me, we shook hands as we greeted each other. Before We sat down, one of the servants interrupted. 

   "Master, Mr. Anderson has arrived," (I know its basic LMAO) I tensed up when kyoya walked next to me. I gave him a blank stare, and took a breath; we all made our way to the main entrance, while greeting my father. He first greeted Mr. Ootori, Fuyumi, her husband, then Yuuichi and Akito, after he greeted kyoya, now it's my turn.  

   I looked down, I haven't really talked to him much sense I found out about me moving. I smiled as I put my hand out for a hand shake but instead he pulled me into a hug. "Stop going all formal in front of me, I've missed you kiddo." After he said that in english, I smiled.

    "Missed you too father," We finally realised after a few moments. His attention went back to Mr. Ootori, as he was showed to the dining room. We all got seated. 

   I sat to the left of my father, and the right of kyoya, then across from dad was Mr. Ootori, with the other four around the table. Most of dinner was just small talk, and conversations every now and then. It wasn't very exciting. 

   "Kyoya, please show Soph around the garden for a few minutes," I shot up, as I didn't really get the chance to explore the garden much. He nodded and stood up. Lending his hand out in front of me, I placed mine in his. Kyoya took me to the back door. 

   The flowers were absolutely stunning, they also smelt really nice. "It's the little things in life that really make a difference." The corners of my mouth lifted in a small smile. 

   "As much as I would like to agree, I don't understand." Kyoya was blunt. I should've expected it due to the fact he always acted like this. "But, may I say you look adorable if I do say so myself." He had a smug grin on his face, I knew he was playing but I still blushed. I let out a little squeak, and he glared at me. His hand moves up towards my face, and lifts my chin up. "What are you all flustered now?" His smirk made me mad, but did it? 

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