Summer & Storm

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"Hey we don't even know you guys name mind if you tell us to thank you properly?" I asked. " yeah sure my name is Summer" the boy with orange hair said "and this is my little brother Storm" Summer said while pointing to the boy with black hair. "Cool names I'm Autumn and this is Winter" Winter smiled and waved. "Nice to meet you, Autumn and Winter." "Nice to meet you too Summer and Storm." "So what are you two doing in the forest? This is the dangerous part of the forest now." I looked at Winter to see what I should say to them, I mean we just met them. "If you want to tell them it's up to you." I nodded "well you see I was going to get revenge for my sister's death" "wait your sister but isn't Winter your sister?" Summer asked, confused. Winter just giggled at summer and I swear I saw him blush a little. "No, I was friends with her sister." "So what you're saying is you're not related to Autumn?" Storm asked. "Yes" storm then elbowed Summer while Summer looked away embarrassed.

"You guys wanna come with us?" I asked, trying to break the awkwardness. "You sure that's ok?" Summer asked while he put his bow over his head. "Yeah the more the merrier" Winter said smiling. "Ok then sure we'll be happy to come along" Storm said. It's been a few days since Summer and Storm joined us and we all have been getting along pretty well. "Hey what was your guy's parents like?" Summer asked "well a few days after I was born my parents kicked me and my sister out because of our powers." I said. " I'm sorry to hear about that it must've been hard." Storm said. I nodded, " what about you Winter?" Winter just stopped in her tracks and for a split second I thought I saw a tear. "It's not that much to talk about really let's just leave it at that. Sounds good?"

"Hey Summer, storm how old are you guys anyway?" "Well I'm 15 and storm is 13." "Wow really so are we. I'm 13 and Winter is 15." I wasn't watching where I was going and I would've fallen off the cliff if Winter didn't catch me. "You ok Autumn?" "Yeah thanks." "That's strange, this is the path out of the forest but where's the rest of it?" Storm said. "I think I found it." I said pointing below us. The other half of the path broke apart and it's right under us. "How did this happen?" Summer asked. "I think I know how it happened." I said.

Right after I said that the ground started to shake but then it stopped. "You guys ok?" Storm asked all of us. "I think so" "now what do we do?" Summer asked. "I have an idea, summer can I see your bow and arrows?" Winter asked. "Uhh sure" "What are you doing Winter?" "You'll see." Winter had four vines connected to four arrows. "Everyone grab a vine" we all grabbed one. "Now what?" I asked. "Just hold on tight, ready!?...and," right after she shot the arrows they all hit the same tree. "Now we swing across." We all nodded and swung across to the other path.

"That was awesome" Storm said "yea it was where did you learn to shoot an arrow?" Summer asked Winter. "Oh my dad taught me," Winter said as she gave Summer his stuff. "Well that was pretty cool" "" Winter said while blushing? "So Autumn you said you know why this is happening?" "Oh yeah well you see my sister was the goddess of the earth and kept everything in balance but when she died everything fell out of balance." "So that explains why the earth is all messed up?" "Pretty much."

"Let's just try to get out of here before it gets dark." Right before we started walking again the ground started to shake again but much more insane. The ground underneath my feet started cracking. I screamed as I fell from the ground crumbling underneath me, "Autumn!!" Winter grabbed my hand but she fell through too.

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