An Old Friend/Meeting Two new Friends

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"It's freezing" I mumbled, "it'll get worse when it gets dark" someone said which made me jump. There were two reasons why she jumped: 1) the voice scared her and 2) it sounded familiar. I turned around and the first thing she saw was the hair. The hair was white with a blue streak in it. "W-winter is that you?". Winter smile that sweet smile she always gave. "Hi Autumn it's been awhile."

The next thing that happened shocked Winter, I gave her a hug and it even shocked me. "What are you doing here anyway?" She asked. "To get revenge on the person who killed Spring." "What...?! What do you mean by killed Spring?" I didn't even know why but I started crying, winter just hugged me "hey don't cry I'm so sorry to hear what happened to her, say why don't I help you with this journey then I can come with you?" "Thank you winter."

You see, Winter is like my other older sister. She was really good friends with Spring, so they would always hang out. "You hungry?" Winter asked out of the blue. I just nodded my head, "ok then come before it gets dark the cold gets worse." After walking a few more we arrived at Winters house. "Have a seat. I'll bring you something to eat ok" winter said sweetly. Winter was always kind, she saw the good in everybody. She was just like Spring, Winter was the oldest out of the three of us. "Hey Winter if you don't mind me asking how old are you now?" "I'm 15 now, you're 13 now aren't you?" 

"Oh...uh....yeah I am?" Winter giggled but then her voice went sad, "she was supposed to be 14." I was going to ask what she was talking about till I realized she was talking about Spring. That's right she was supposed to be 14 this year. "Yeah" was all I could say. "Anyway here you go, your favorite when we were little." Winter said sweetly. "You remembered after all these years?!" I asked, shocked. "You bet," Winter said smiling. "Thanks Winter," I said happy. "We'll eat up. We have a big day ahead of us." To tell the truth, that was a great day I had for a long time.

~A Week Later~

It's been a week since Winter joined me on this journey, I even told her about how the earth has been out of place ever since she died. "So after you get your revenge on the person who killed Spring will it help put the earth back in balance?" "I'm not really sure" "Well if it doesn't we'll find a way to bring it back in balance, sound like a plan?" "Yeah!" I said smiling.

"Do you even know where this person lives?" "Actually I did, they dropped this while the police were looking for evidence." "his whole information card wow he mustn't have been really smart" "yeah" we both started to laugh. "Hey Winter can I ask you something?" "Hmm sure what is it?" "Well I was just wondering why you don't have a boyfriend by how sweet and kind you are." "Well I just haven't found the right one yet, but I know he's out there somewhere so I won't give up." "I hope you find that special someone Winter." "Thanks Autumn." Winter said with that sweet smile. I really hope she'll find someone special.

We've been walking for ages and my feet are killing me but we can't stop. Winter must've noticed "do you want to rest a little Autumn?" "No I'm fine what about you?, I mean you must be tired too." "I am coming on, let's find a place to rest ok?" "Ok." We found a place under the tree, "this might be a good place to rest." After Winter said that I just sat down and I'm glad I did. I really thought my feet were going to fall off. Before I knew it Winter started to climb up the tree, "what are you doing?" "You'll see." Was all she said till she came back down with two apples, "here you go" "thanks."

While we were resting we heard a noise. "W-what was that?" I asked, scared. "I don't know" " who's there!?" Winter said. The next thing we knew was a grizzly bear and he didn't look too happy. "Run...RUN!!" Winter screamed. We ran as fast as we could away from the bear but then we ran into a dead end. "What do we do now?" I asked. "Get behind me" Winter said as she pulled out her dad's sword.

"Wait you're not going to kill it are you?" "No I'm just going to block it if the bear attacks us that's all." I just nodded after she said that and she gave me a sweet smile. Right when the bear was about to attack an arrow landed in between him and Winter. The bear just ran away after that. Then two boys jumped down from the tree. One had orange hair with a red streak and the other had black hair with a gray streak with white lines going through the gray (that was a lot to describe about his hair). "You girls ok?" The boy with the orange hair said. "Yeah thanks" Winter said as she put her sword away. "That's good to hear," the other boy said relieved. 

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