Summer & Winter's Childhood/ Him?

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  "Let's just try to get out of here before it gets dark." Right before we started walking again the ground started to shake again but much more insane. The ground underneath my feet started cracking. I screamed as I fell from the ground crumbling underneath me, "Autumn!!" Winter grabbed my hand but she fell through too.



But she was quick enough to grab something. "Ow" "Winter are you ok?" "Yeah don't worry about it let's just try to get back up." I could tell Winter is in serious pain, we have to get out of here fast. "Hey! Summer, can you and Storm give us a hand?!" "We're on it!"

"Alright Autumn I'm going to lift you up a little and I need you to grab both of their hands. Ok?" "Got it!" As Winter pulled me up I grabbed onto Storm and Summer's hands. "Thanks guys" "you ok?" Storm asked. "Yeah" "here Winter give me your hand!" Summer said. "I can't" "what do you mean?" "The same thing is going to happen when I was little." Winter said crying. "Winter, whatever happened when you were little isn't going to happen!" "How would you know?" "Because I won't let that happen I promise Winter!" After Summer said that, Winter looked up at him shocked.

The thing Winter was holding on to started to crumble. "Hurry Winter!" After Summer said that she grabbed hold of his hand. "You ok Winter?" Summer asked as he put his hand on her injured shoulder. Winter flinched at the touch "ow!" "Sorry sorry let's just get out of here and find a place to rest where it's safe." "Ok, sure." We just left the forest and now the sun is starting to set. "We'll walk a few more then rest for the night" I said "sounds like a plan to me." A few minutes after nightfall we started to set up camp. "Here's the firewood" I said "cool thanks Autumn." Summer said then he used "fire power?" to start the fire. "You have firepower!?" "Yeah I was born with it and Storm has the power to control the weather."

"Really?" Winter asked as she was preparing dinner. "Yeah what's with the shocked faces anyway?" "Because we have powers too I control the plants around us and Winter has the power of water." "Cool," Summer and Storm said. After we ate we were getting ready for bed while Summer and Winter took the first watch. "The food was great Winter you must've learned cooking from your mom." Summer said. "Well actually no I learned from my dad." "Really?" "Yeah... Ow." Winter said as she was trying to pick up something but forgot about her shoulder. "Here put this on your shoulder." "What is it?" "It's a kind of leaf that will relieve the pain a little." Summer put the leaf on Winters shoulder and wrapped a bandage around it. "Thanks Summer." "It's nothing."

"Hey Summer?" "Yeah" "Do you really want to know about my parents?" "Sure if you really want to tell me." Winter just stayed silent after that. "How about a deal? I'll tell you about my parents if you tell me about yours, deal?" "Deal," Winter said with her cute sad smile. "I never met my mom, she died when I was born." "I'm sorry to hear that." Summer said sad. "So it's just been me and my dad and when I was 12 he gave me his sword and told me to never forget the people that care and love me." Summer just stayed silent while Winter finished her story. "But when I turned 13 my dad died while we were mountain climbing. He slipped and fell and I couldn't do anything but stand there and watch helplessly." Winter said while crying. The next thing that happened shocked Winter because Summer was hugging her. "I'm sorry to hear about that Winter. No wonder you didn't want to talk about it, it has been so hard on you."

"What about your parents?" Winter asked. "My parents were too busy with their business trips to spend time with me and Storm." "But I think it's pretty cool. I mean I get cool things when they come home so I guess you can say I'm a traveler." Summer said while laughing. Winter was laughing at his funniest. "You have a cute laugh you know." Winter just blushed. "You ok Winter your face is all red do you have a fever?" "Yeah I'm fine it's nothing to worry about." "Hey there's something I wanna ask you Summer." "What is it?"

"When we first met, why did Storm elbowed you when I said I wasn't Autumn's sister?" Summer just looked away, blushing. "You sure you're not the one with the fever?" Winter said, teasing a bit. "S-shut up!" Winter just laughed, then a chilly windy breeze blew by and winter shivered. "Are you cold?" "A little yeah." Summer just holds Winter warming her thanks to his powers. "Thanks." "Winter," Summer whispered. Winter turned to look at Summer. "Yeah?" Summer leaned in a little and so did Winter and before they knew it they shared a sweet kiss. As they pulled apart they looked into each other's eyes lovingly.

"What are you two doing?" A voice said behind them, that made them jump. "Well?" Storm said with Autumn standing next to him. "I should go get some rest," Winter said, getting up fast. "Wait Winter!" Summer said. "Night Summer!" Winter shouted. Autumn decided to run after Winter so Storm could talk to Summer for a while. "Winter slow down!" I shouted. Winter slowed down and looked at Autumn. "Is he the one?" "I really don't know, was the kiss a true love kiss or not he probably doesn't like me like how I like him." "Winter I know you, you're a sweet person every boy would like you." "But they're not what they say they are how do I know He's not like him?" Winter asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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