what type of zoom student they are

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a/n: shit. i'm back bitches👌 i finally have ideas. i've been reeled back in to the hamilton fandom. oh well lol

Alexander: correcting the teacher every 5 fricking seconds or just being disruptive in general

Aaron: actually paying attention and contributing

Charles: playing with his dogs instead of paying attention

Peggy: *insert not being able to sit properly because ✨bisexual✨ vibes~*

Samuel: mic off, camera off

Philip: falling asleep now and then

Thomas: mic on camera on watching camg1rls on his phone because he don't care- (sorry not sorry)

John: acts like he's paying attention but secretly looking at Hamilton's 🔥hot🔥facebook wall-

Hercules: sewing some little plushies

Lafayette: speaks french just to annoy everyone

Eliza: that one student who has like a 5 course meal in front of them every lesson

Angelica: too busy reading

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