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lol alright so i have been looking at my comments specifically the ones on the sexual orientation chapter. once again these are headcanons but remember that I was like a young h3tero c1sgendered child at the time i wrote that. so now that i'm an older raging pansexual nonbinary hamilfan, i headcanon:

our cute little samuel seabury as demiromantic & asexual.

Charles Lee is someone i headcanon as like that homophobic closeted bisexual guy who just looks very 💅✨

Jefferson however... my g0d.. what went through my head back then... *sighs* Jefferson is just either 💅 or ✌ with a preference to women. still gonna keep the original chapter and not edit it since i love seeing the comments lol. trust me.. no one in hamilton is a straight alloromantic. i mean i headcanon Hercules to be a straight asexual but that's just me 👍

sincerely, me~

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