how you met

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That photo though. XD

You worked in a coffee shop and he was a daily customer. When you were serving him one day, he gave you his number and name on a slip of paper and kinda flirted with you for a bit. When you finished your shift and got back home, you messaged him. He messaged back.

You were at the aquarium looking at the turtles and watching them go by. You saw a boy next to you who was looking at them in admiration and when he noticed you staring, he looked at you. You started of with a bit of an awkward conversation, but you both loved turtles so it wasn't as awkward as it could've been. You guys eventually traded numbers and names and you went back home. He messeged you first, you messaged back.

You were having your senior prom coming up and you needed a dress. Your friend knew a tailor in town and took you to see him. She said that he makes the best clothes. He introduced himself as Hercules and you introduced yourself to him and after he took you and your friends' measurements, he got started on the dresses. He said to come back later. We did as we were told and when we came back later, the dresses were finished. They fit perfectly as well. You payed for the dresses and he wrote his number on your recipt. He winked at you and you and your friend walked out.

Your parents were friends and so you guys kinda already knew each other.

You were looking for a pet dog and you bumped into Charles. Turns out he was looking for (another one) a pet dog as well. He started off a convo and did some smooth talk and you guys traded numbers.

You were currently sitting outside a cafè reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine. Angelica walked up to you and asked if she could sit with you cause everywhere else was full. You let her and she started talking to you. You and Angelica traded numbers and talked about Common Sense etc. You guys agreed to meet up again.

She is your new roomate. Your other roomate moved country, sadly. When she introduced herself to you, you thought that she was VERY cute and wondered what s̶h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ l̶i̶k̶e̶ i̶n̶ b̶e̶d̶. You guys became quite close. You were eventually best friends.

You were a new student and Peggy was showing you around the school. You decided to hang out with her at lunch and you were glad that she wanted to be your friend. You traded numbers after school.

He's a shy, smol bean to you cause you are hella tall (around Lafayette's height). He was getting picked on and you had to step in and do something about it. He wanted to hang out with you for the rest of the day which you gladly let him do. You became close friends by the end of the day. You gave him your number and you guys parted.

You were at a shooting range. Philip was doing some target practice and so were you. You decided to take a break. He approached you and tried to flirt with you and do some smooth talk but ended up failing miserably. He challenged you to a mini competition to see how many times we can hit a bullseye in 1 minute. You accepted. It was a draw in the end and you guys couldn't be asked to do a tie-breaker. He gave you his number and you messaged him when you got back home.

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