Hack number >insert your age< Wait. e.e I'm being told you're not four... V.V

62 2 4

Okay, okay, okay. So I promised I'd get this up and running and here I am. Saw Ashy hack and figured you might smile if I did too. c:

First and foremost, ugh, I'm terribly sorry for all my mood swings and whatnot, I'm been in some really bad shit these days. Didn't help that wasn't even home.. Just, sorry about that. You don't have to put up with moody me if you don't want. v.v

Now onto the happy stuff. c:

Ooh, oooooh, I'm going to put a few of our inside jokes here. ;-; I hope you don't mind.. v.v..

Okay, okay, first one. 313+3=318. CX That one makes me laugh every time, like, the fuck man? In what world? xD I know you're smart in Algebra and math, dear, but in no world does 313+3=318. TuT Never ever.

Orca-sized goldfish. ;;-;; Holy fucking hell, that was terrifying! And you laughed. e-e Meanie!! But seriously, it was fcking terrifying. o-o I thought they were going to cause the world to explode or something. ;-;-;-;

Okay, okay, this one..
Mewling. XDDD
XD Oh my fuckin GOD. I WILL NEVER GEt OVEr thAT. XDD
Yes, I realize you're not happy. ;-; Hush, baby, you as long as you don't 'mewl', you can mew and purr all you want. Just.. TuT... Please leave mewling out of it.. Ahem.. Cough.. /u\..

I know we have plenty more inside jokes and shiat, but laziness and I don't want everyone knowing all of them. V.V Fcking stalkers already, as it is.

Oh, oh, oh, I haven't held out a string for a long time.. Hm.. You're so fucking adorable when you bat at a string. cx I remember a long time ago, when we had just met, and I went, 'You seem like the child who would be distracted and bat at a string for hours.' and you were just like, ';-; shut up.' CX I'm an amazing guesser. \~.~/ Can't hide anything from meeeeee.

You're fcking adorable. Just like. You're such a child around me and just so adorable and I want to cry and then die from your cuteness. ;;-;; ;-;-; ;^;

I'm sorry but you are extremely adorable okay, just so fcking adorable. ;-;

Ice is pining for you. V.V' Jesus on a tricycle, get your ass on soooooooooon I miiiiiiss you~

Rawr. Okay, now onto the serious stuff. -insert picture of Dan going 'srs bsnss'-

Wait, no, before that. CX Look at the picture I found. >side or above< xDD It amused me so I thought I'd put it here, see if it helped any.

Hm.. Oh yeah. I hope this hack made you smile, or at least made your day a bit better. I also hope you're surprised, my hacks are not supposed to be known in advance. v.v/ Hush hush~

Ooh, ooh, waaaaait. Video, the video to the side or above, that's Dan and Phil's newest vid on their gaming channel. Five Nights At Freddy's 3. XDD If you liked 1 and 2, you'll love this one. CX They're so cute. [But y'know, nowhere near as cute as you.]

You really are a beautiful and amazing girl, Jara. [Off topic but y'know, blame my ADD; Does anyone else call you Jara? I hope not, I like being special.] You're beautiful, no, shut up, you are. You're fucking gorgeous. And you're young. So don't you be giving up hope on yur family, on love, on anything. Your'e turning 15 next month, for fuck's sake. You have your whole life ahead of you. No matter how bad things get, I'm going to be here. Just a click or two [note to self; find out how many clicks it really is] away. You can come to me with any and every thing and you know that. You've also said that it helps you when you talk to me about your problems, so don't hold back, alright? I don't mind hearing about them, I swear. You're one of my closest and longest [that sound wrong ;-;] friends from wattpad, love, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. You're an amazing girl, the way you forgive people and with the things you go through and still holding strong? Yeah, that's amazing. I don't know if you believe it or not, but I do know that I and Ashlyn won't ever let you forget it; even if you don't believe it. I'll make you believe it one day if you don't yet.

One year, huh? It's been more than a damn year. It feels like so much longer. Although, I suppose, wattpad time is greater than real life time, yeah? Yeah. Thank you for sticking by me this whole time. I know I'm not an easy person to be with, I know I'm a lot to handle, but you still stayed. Thank you.

There is so much I want to apologize for, but I don't want to end on that note. Or have that anywhere in this hack. I may make one later today, just for that purpose. We're just gonna have to see.

Oh, and, before I finish this hack, I want you to know that I love you. I love you a lot, baby. You're my cute little, innocent little [ha cx], bunny-kitty girl. And you're adorable and precious and I just- I love you. Don't forget that, ever. Pwomise?

Right; I'm at over 900 words here, so I think this is a good place to stop. I love you, baby girl. Pwomise? Pwomise. 

x x

Stay strong and beautiful, love. ~


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