Le hack two. \(*^*)z God, I'm so fabulous.

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Kay, so. I have to mention this, just cause. TvT Your password. -claps slowly- xD

Yes, I realize you're blushing now. And setting up to say, 'shhhhhhh'. Aand now you're blushing more. ~TvT~ I'm so fabulous. Oh look, the title already says that. *^*

Anywayyy. On to the really important stuffs. v.v/

It has been exactly ten months and one day. You know what I'm talking about, I don't have to say it.

These tens months (and one day) have been.. interesting. You and I've gone through a lot of shit. Funnily enough, the two of us have never had a real argument. I mean, yeah, we've had a bunch of the 'nuuu' and 'yusss' arguments. But never a real one. Is that weird? Bah, I'm not going to ponder it. It's going to make my head hurt more.

My point is, it's been a hell of a long time. And a lot of things have changed. People are here, people have left. People have celebrated birthdays, wattyversarys, everything. It's pretty cool, it feels like we're all a family. Which, I guess, we kinda are. Cause, ya know, family isn't defined by blood. I feel proud to have such an amazing family.

Anyway, back on track. (Sorry, my ADD's a bitch. u.u) Point is, through everything I still love you.

You're still my adorable little kitty. You're still my baaad girl. (Yes, I know you're blushing. TvT And even more. Yup.) You're still Jaramina.

And I love you for staying with me through all this. You've really helped, considering you were there for Skylar and now for me.

Ooh, I'm remembering something. Remember that time we were discussing how it'd be if we were paired with our watty twins? And I said if you and Skylar were a thing, I'd so want to see that? TvT I don't remember what you said about me and Jason, but I remember laughing. But seriously, if you and Skylar were and item, I'd be like, omfg kawaii.

Not that you're not kawaii.

Cause you're so kawaii. *^*/

Song on the side is one of our own. Fireflies. Speaking of which, I still have that Fireflies tattoo~ ^^

Okay, I think I'm done. I don't really know what the point of this was, really..

I love you, Jaramina. <3

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