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(Oblivious Moonlark,Beloved Hair King,Anger Issues,Mr Smarts-A-Lot,Fashion Princess and Salt Shaker,UwUUwUUwU logged in)

Oblivious Moonlark:😀😀😀😀

Anger Issues:Woah!What's that?

Oblivious Moonlark:Emojis

Salt Shaker:Emo-jis,ehh?

Salt Shaker:I LOVE THEM!!

UwUUwUUwU:I've never seen happy Tammy before...

Salt Shaker:See?👻👻👻👻☠☠☠☠😈😈😈😈💀💀💀💀

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:Now I understand.

(They all put loads of emojis but I'm lazy)

Fashion Princess:What is your favourite emojis so far?

Oblivious Moonlark:😴

Beloved Hair King:😛

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:🤓

Anger Issues:😠


Salt Shaker:💀

UwUUwUUwU:Excuse us,I have to bring my dear brother to Elwin

(UwUUwUUwU and Salt Shaker logged out)

Oblivious Moonlark:Welp,I'm going now bye

(Everyone logs out)

Keefe light-leaped to Foxfire,hoping to see Bangs Boi in Elwin's and sure enough,there he was.

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