Parent Trouble

29 3 39

(Oblivious Moonlark,Beloved Hair King and UwUUwUUwU logged in)

Oblivious Moonlark:Hey,our names are back to normal again!

(Carrot Face logged in)

Carrot Face:Not again!

(Mr Smarts-A-Lot,Fashion Princess,Salt Shaker,Anger Issues and Not A Drooly Boy logged in)

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:Hi,Carrot Face!

Carrot Face:Please change my name back


Not A Drooly Boy:Hey,who added me here?

WolfyDragon_82:Me,because you were always getting forgotten

WolfyDragon_82:Like,you only appeared a little bit in the first book

Not A Drooly Boy:Book?


Not A Drooly Boy:Ok

Oblivious Moonlark:Jensi,is that you?

Literally everyone except the Moonlark and me:Who?

WolfyDragon_82:A forgotten friend of the moonlark's

Oblivious Moonlark:Not forgotten!

WolfyDragon_82:What is his ability,then?

Oblivious Moonlark:A Telepath?

WolfyDragon_82:Nope,a Charger

Not A Drooly Boy:Can I leave?This is getting awkward.

WolfyDragon_82:Sure,but can I have an autograph first.You are one of the best elves ever.

Not A Drooly Boy:I didn't know I was famous,but sure


(Not A Drooly Boy logged out)

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:I'm feeling a lot like the third wheel again...

WolfyDragon_82:Okay,fine,I'll be inviting our guests for today!

(Grady,Edaline,Juline,Kesler,Alden,Della and Trash logged in)


Beloved Hair King:Fine,I'll change it back to its original...

Beloved Hair King:Done!

I Am Stupid:...

Grady:Well,Cassius,looks like you just got roasted by your own son!

I Am Stupid:Excuse me,Grady,I did not see you there.Maybe you were too low-level for me to notice you.

Edaline:Why you!No mallowmelt for you!

Juline:Calm down!Save your bickering for later!

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:Mom,you may not want to scroll up


Alden:Are you insulting the Vackers now?

Kesler:Maybe I am,maybe I'm not.But what I do know is that your oldest son is one of our enemies.

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:Dad!

Fashion Princess:Mom,help us solve this!

Della:Dear,we should not be fighting in front of the children

Grady:Bring it on,Sencen!


Kesler:Have a face full of Freckle Juice!

Alden:Have some mallowmelt!

Oblivious Moonlark:Do you think we should leave now?

Beloved Hair King:Before Grady comes for our heads?Yeah...

(Oblivious Moonlark and Beloved Hair King logged out)

WolfyDragon_82:You guys want more chaos?

Salt Shaker:NO!

WolfyDragon_82:As you wish

(Quan and Mai logged in)


Salt Shaker:Stop looking for us.You've already proved that you're not fit for the role of parents.

Quan:How dare you?!Apologise now!

UwUUwUUwU:Why should we?You're the one who owes us an apology,and you're too worried about your public appearance to even say Sorry!

(Salt Shaker and UwUUwUUwU logged out)

Mai:Please come back home,Tam!Please,Linh!

Quan:Leave them be

(Quan and Mai logged out)

WolfyDragon_82:Okay,I might've gone a little overboard!

(WolfyDragon_82 removed everyone)

(WolfyDragon_82 deleted all chat data)

(WolfyDragon_82 deleted this entire dam group chat!)

(WolfyDragon_82 had to eat breakfast)

(WolfyDragon_82 logged out)

Chaos is my middle name!

No,it isn't...

I should make the title Bonding With Parents In The Lost Cities(Three Easy Steps To Get Revenge)!

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