Biana's Triangle

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(Feisty Gal joined the chat)

Feisty Gal:Hey guys,are you awake right now?

(Oblivious Moonlark,Anger Issues,Fashion Princess and Salt Shaker logged in)

Oblivious Moonlark:IT''S 3 IN THE MORNING!!

Feisty Gal:Huh,guess you are awake

(UwUUwUUwU and Beloved Hair King logged in)

Beloved Hair King:What the huh?

UwUUwUUwU:Keefe,wake up

Feisty Gal:Anyways,I was going to ask you guys something that I heard about and you have to answer me truthfully,k?

Oblivious Moonlark:I guess,since we all can't sleep since you woke us up,Ella

Feisty Gal:No nicknames.Sorry for waking you up

Beloved Hair King:So what did you want to ask?I guess that you want to ask how my hair is so beautiful

Feisty Gal:NO

Beloved Hair King:I am not crying right now,really not crying

Feisty Gal:Before Hunkyhair rudely interrupted me,I was about to ask Biana whether she knew about the triangle

Fashion Princess:Oh,you mean the Keefe,Sophie,Fitz triangle?Yeah,we all know

Feisty Gal:I mean that you have a love triangle of your own


Feisty Gal:Settle down,rage volcano.I was about to tell who it was

Anger Issues:Ok,now who is it?

Feisty Gal:Dex and Tam

(Mr Smarts-A-Lot logged in)

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:Yeah?Why did you call me?

Oblivious Moonlark:Scroll up


Salt Shaker:Nope,nope,nope,nope,nope

(Salt Shaker signed out)


(UwUUwUUwU brought Salt Shaker back to the chat)

Anger Issues:Where's Biana?

Anger Issues:I need to speak with her immediately!

Fashion Princess:Chill,Ritz Savory Cracker.I'm right here

(In Fitz,Biana and Alvar's private chat)

Anger Issues:Do you like Tam and Dex?

Fashion Princess:No...

(Traitor logged in)

Traitor:Biana,I know you're lying

Anger Issues:What are you doing in here,traitor?!

Traitor:Nothing,I just wanted to tell you Biana was lying

Anger Issues:I knew

(Anger Issues banned Traitor from this private chat)

Fashion Princess:Fine,I may like both of them a little bit.But Tam has Glimmer and Dex has Marella and...

Anger Issues:I don't think Tam likes Glimmer or Dex likes Marella

Fashion Princess:Hmm...

Anger Issues:Ok,maybe Tam likes Glimmer but Dex doesn't like Marella.

Fashion Princess:Seriously?

Anger Issues:Yeah

Fashion Princess:and you're fine if Dex becomes my boyfriend?

Anger Issues:Yes

Fashion Princess:If I kiss him?

Anger Issues:Haiz,it's fine

Fashion Princess:And if I marry him?

Anger Issues:Woah,don't go too far there,young lady!

Fashion Princess:But what if he isn't on my match list?Would you let me marry him?

Anger Issues:Yes

Fashion Princess:Thanks!

(Fashion Princess and Anger Issues logged out from this chat)

Meanwhile on Tam and Linh's private chat...

UwUUwUUwU:So,do you like Biana,Tam?

Salt Shaker:I told you a billion times,no

UwUUwUUwU:Then who do you like?

Salt Shaker:Glimmer


On Dex and Sophie's private chat...

Oblivious Moonlark:Say it again

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:I don't like Bi

(T Rex,Bex is the Best,Lex is never Last hacked in)

T Rex:He's lying

Bex is the Best:He's blushing

Lex is never Last:And shooing us out of his room

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:LOVISE!

T Rex:This is Lovise speaking,the triplets stole my hacking chip from me

Oblivious Moonlark:You should tell Biana

Mr Smarts-A-Lot:I guess...

(Everyone in the private chats and the group chat logged out)

Linh woke up in the morning with the sunlight shining on her face.She went to woke up her twin brother but he was nowhere to be seen.He must have got up early.Linh reached Foxfire and saw Tam talking to Biana by the lockers.After they finished their conversation,Linh asked her brother what they were talking about."I was going to tell Biana that I didn't like her like that and the feeling was mutual."Tam said.Linh looked behind her back and saw Dex and Biana,hand in hand,Biana's head resting on Dex's shoulder.She gave them a smirk and ran off to find her first class,which was The Universe

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