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"Rosemary, do you know what a homosexual is?"

Rosemary was stunned by the sudden question. "Well, uh..yes I d-do think I recall the definition she stammered

"Have you ever felt like a homosexual before?" Annabeth askes, while still keeping up her innocent  façade.

Rosemary was at a loss for words. "What are you getting at? Because if you are meaning if i have felt feelings towards a woman, then you...would-"

Annabeth cuts her off, "be right?"

"Yes you would be right..." Rosemary pauses before continuing, "I have feelings for a woman. Right now. On this very day I have felt affection, and want, and desperation for a woman who everyday seems to be more and more out of reach. And it pains me so that I can not seem to get to her. Because every time I look at her I see my best friend, who's eyes light up when they talk, and who's hands seem to never get cold, and who's hair drapes down in perfect waves, and who's voice can cause anyone to go into a trance, and who's lips just seem so soft, and like you could get caught up in them for hours. But alas I will never get to know the true condition of this unattainable woman, for I am so helplessly in love I don't think I could say a word."

Annabeth was now the shocked one. "Do I know this woman in question?"

"Oh you sure do. You know her more than anyone coils, because here's the thing,

You. Are. Her...

Annabeth rolled over on the floor, so that she was now straddling Rosemary, while looking straight into her eyes. "Wanna test your theory?"

And then Annabeth grabbed Rosemary's face with her hands and pulled her into a kiss unlike anything the pair had ever experienced. The kiss was filled with passion and lust, but also tender love and affection. The women seemed to melt into each other and become one, their lips moving together as they tried to somehow become even closer than they already were. Rosemary ran her hands up and down Annabeth's body, following every curve of her body. Rosemary suddenly ran her hand down Annabeth's back, causing her to arch her back and softly moan. Rosemary breaks away and starts giggling, and Annabeth follows suit.

Annabeth knows what has to happen now. She tells Rosemary that she is going to pack her things and return to Rosemary's house, and says that they can run away. The ladies plan to leave once it becomes night, and Annabeth knows that Caesar will be home late so they will have time to leave before he returns. Annabeth races home to get her stuff, and while she does that Rosemary gets her stuff, plus essentials packed. Annabeth stops at her cousins on the way to her home to wish her farewell.

"I can't believe you are leaving, but I am so incredibly happy for you my dear cousin!" They start crying, and they hug for what seems like hours before Annabeth breaks away and says she must be going.

Once she is finished packing, she goes to her husband's desk and writes a short letter to him,


By the time you read this, I will be long gone. I will never cherish the time we spent together, because for the whole time you treated me as if I were an object. My one and only love I know would never treat me this way. There is no food ready. I never loved you, and never will.

Goodbye, you arrogant bastard


Once she was satisfied with her work, she put an empty pot on the table, and placed the letter inside. She then gathered all her stuff and headed straight to her love's home. 

It was late. The moon was out and shining through the windows on the young women as they gathered what they could fit into their bags and slowly creep out to the dimly lit street. Rosemary puts on her glasses, and they glint a purple light as they hit the bridge of her nose. 

"These are enchanted glasses, they will lead us to the safest place we can get to." Rosemary said when she caught Annabeth's questioning look.

The women headed to the stable in the back of Rosemary's home. They both took a horse, and then as quietly as they possibly could with two horses, raced off into the night.



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