chp. 6 - cobra kai?

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Much has happened since the day in the Library. To start off Miguel's mom let him keep doing karate. Aisha then even joined Miguel's dojo, wanting to be able to defend herself after the cheeto incident. She eve started sitting with Malia and the boys much to Malia's pleasure, it was nice having another girl around.

The past few days a rumor has been going around about Sam that she gave Kyler head, Malia, honestly not believing it, didn't really care. Sam tried to apologize to her, Malia just gave her a yea whatever and didn't say much else. She wasn't still mad at Sam she just really didn't care for her, what she said was uncalled for but Malia honestly didn't care anymore.

Malia picked Eli up for school in the morning as usual, wearing a cute outfit (one on left) and feeling good.

The day went by pretty fast, next thing Malia knew she was walking into lunch side by side with Eli, Miguel in front and Demetri trailing behind when she heard Kyler announce to the cafeteria, "Hey guys. You know that billboard with that big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." Kyler finished, Sam standing in front of him. Kids in the cafeteria ooohed and awed.

"Hey Kyler!" Said Miguel walking up to them.

Malia tensed, nervous he was getting involved.

"Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?"

"Want another beat down 'Rhea?" Kyler shoved him.

"I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." He shoved him again.

"It's not lame-ass karate." Says Miguel blocking a punch from Kyler, twisting and trapping his arm. "Its Cobra Kai." Miguel punches him in the face.

Miguel and Kyler then get into a heated fight, Kyler putting up a good one but no match for Miguel, "No mercy!" Aisha yells.

Miguel quickly takes down the rest of the gang of boys, absolutely demolishing them, he ends the fight hopping on a table and slamming a lunch tray across Kylers face, all very heroically. The cafeteria went wild cheering for Miguel. "Fuck yeah!!" Malia whooped out pumping her fist in the air and clapping. Miguel now standing fully up takes in the applause.

Malia couldn't help but think how embarrassing for the other jerks that five of them, fully grown, got taken down by a scrawny kid. Good. That will finally put their egos in place she thought.

The counselor then came in there and yelled, "hey! Get down from there right now!" She grabbed Miguel's hand and pulled him down from the table leading him away, the crowd of kids sending out a bunch of "aw's."

The rest of the day all the buzz was how Miguel beat Kyler and his gang, everyone was impressed with his so called karate and knew not to mess with him any longer.

Malia fascinated and impressed decided she would join Cobra Kai, Eli with her, in fact he was the one who asked her. So they planned on going to the practice the next day and join, Demetri reluctantly agreeing after a lot of convincing.

After hanging out with Eli the previous day, Malia was on the way to Cobra Kai, both Demetri and Eli with her.

Standing in the dojo wearing an outfit to be able to easily move in (one in middle) Malia heard the chatter of other kids around them showing the video of Miguel taking down Kyler.

"Why did I let you guys talk me into this?" Demetri asked Malia and Eli, "this goes against everything I stand for, it's like extra gym class for no reason."

"Let's just give it a chance. You saw the fight. Miguel kicked ass." Eli replied, Malia nodding in agreement, observing Eli, his hair was getting longer and he looked really good today.

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