1. childhood

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TW:⚠️yelling, abuse, toxic household, death
(a/n: chapters are gonna get angsty at the end of the book. but there are probably gonna be a lot of chapters so yeahhh)

"What the fuck do I need you for? You weren't here when everything went down with my tío so why should I stay here in his shitty home?!" You screamed across to your mother.

"Well if you hate it so much just leave! You ungrateful brat. I do so much for you but it is never enough, is it??" She said to you with tears streaming down her face. "I just do not understand why nothing is ever enough for you" she said with a sigh.

"Hell no, do not be trying to flip this on me. You've never been here for me. You've always treated me like I've had no feelings, took everything out on me, so don't even act like the victim here" you said, with disgust in your voice.

"Fine. If you don't like it, you are always welcome to leave. Especially with that money that you have. Just go! Why are you even here y/n?" She asked.

"You know what, I've had it with you. You're such a bitch, I never want to see you again. If you come after me, or try to talk to me, I will take legal action against you. You are never, and will never be my mom. Fuck you." You said with tears down your face, while slamming your door. This argument with your mom was actually your last straw. You always said it, but this time, you never wanted to see her again.

As you were packing your stuff, you were thinking about how bad your childhood was. And you thought about how your mom hadn't always been such an awful person.

You are the youngest of three children and so when you were born, you were the favorite. Daddies princess and mommies princess. You were the baby of the family and you have amazing memories as a child.

But when you turned around 10 years old, your dad started drinking after being clean for 16 years. So he was very distant. He hated what he had become and was struggling. He loved you so much but as time went on, he slowly started prioritizing alcohol over his family.

That ultimately ended in fighting between your parents. Sometimes it would turn physical but nonetheless, it was traumatic. Screaming and crying every night coming from your parents room. Of course it ended up in divorce. He would come around when your mom let him, but it started happening less and less.

At this point, you haven't seen him in over two years. He texts you once in a while and pretends he cares, when in reality, you know he doesn't.

And on the other hand, you and your mom had a pretty good relationship up until the age of 12. You started puberty. So naturally, your body started maturing, you would talk to your mom about crushes, and other normal little kid things happening to you during middle school. Which made your mom seem weirdly jealous.

She then started disliking you. And to this day, you do not know why. She just woke up one day with malice towards you. You think she viewed you as competition of some sort which makes no sense to you. I mean, you were a child. What was there to be jealous of.

The fact that she started to despise you made you feel like you had no safe zone, you always felt a sort of betrayal with her. You were a good behaved kid, but then one day she just decided to hate you.

So you looked for her approval anywhere that you could, but it never worked. So one day, your uncle decided to step up and be someone you can lean on when things get tough. He was a really nice man and you would stay at his house often. He had a really big and fancy house. He was your moms brother.

He was really sweet and loved you so much. But one day, he came home from the hospital and said that he only had 3 months to live because of the disease he had.

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