4. his room

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Armin put the blunt in your mouth so smooth that you didn't even think twice about it. You kept eye contact that entire time. He then put a lighter to it and then you took a hit.

He looked at you the entire time with a light crimson color brushed on his face.

You inhaled the smoke and then handed it over for him to take. Before Armin could grab it, Eren bent down and took it from your fingers.

"Hey!" Armin looked up to yell at Eren.

"What? Oh this? Sorry, I'll give it back right now. I didn't know there was a thing between the both of you" He said with a smug face.

"No, we don't have a thing, you just took it from her hands without warning. Don't be a dick." Armin said while standing up.

"Woah woah calm down. It was just a joke." He laughed.

Eren then bent down to you. He took a hit, and kept the smoke in his mouth for a second. He locked eyes with you and leaned closer to your face.

You obviously had no idea what to do so you just kinda did mimicked his actions.

As he leaned closer, he closed his eyes. Was he about to kiss you? As he got closer you felt butterflies in your stomach. This man was so hot. So naturally, you closed your eyes as well. And you felt your face heat up. Then...

You felt smoke hit your face while you were kissing his lips.


Eren didn't have any intention to kiss you. You read the whole situation completely wrong.

When eren backed up to look at you, you just immediately started apologizing. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry, I read that whole scenario totally wrong. My bad." You were so embarrassed. This is so embarrassing.

You could throw up at this moment. Why does stuff like this always happen to you? After apologizing, you look up at him and you can tell he kinda feels bad. He can obviously see that you're embarrassed and he doesn't want to make it worse by laughing at you.

Usually he likes to embarrass his friends, but he doesn't know you that well. So he doesn't want you to have this first impression of him being an asshole. He actually kind of wanted you to like him.

He really wants you to like him.

Plus he is not comfortable with new people, so he just didn't talk that when you were around.

"No no, don't apologize y/n. I shouldn't have done that to you. Don't feel embarrassed, it's happened to me too. Nothing to feel embarrassed for." He said to you while putting his hand on your lap and giving you a soft smile.

You just gave him a smile back, but you were still so embarrassed. He then gave the blunt back to you, and then sat next to you.

You kinda wanted him to leave you alone though.

"So you gonna stay the night here tonight?" Eren asked you.

"Um if it's cool with you, can I?" You asked, waiting for his response to probably be no.

"Yeah yeah of course, it's cool, I have a bunch of rooms and a couple blow up mattresses. It's always usually enough for my friends. Plus I kinda wanna get to know you, but only if you want to keep hanging out with us." He chuckled.

"I mean I guess. Let's hope you guys are lucky enough to be blessed with my presence." You said.

"Mmm I wouldn't think too highly of yourself. Once you get to know me, you probably won't be able to get enough of me." He said while smirking.

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