Chapter 2 : Oh Lawd He Coming!!!

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Back at apartment complex (I find it quite simple lul) , weird things are happening from the computer that our little artist friend left on. A bright light is beaming from it , whiting almost the entire room. The ground is also shaking , like an earthquake. Though , the people outside the room don't feel the shaking. Ron , Axel's apartment neighbor , who Axel often asks for sugar , doesn't feel the shaking. He looked at Axel's door for a brief moment and saw the light from underneath. He didn't think much of it and thought Axel's was just having fun by himself. He sighs as he wonders what he's doing at so early in the morning with the lights.

In the apartment however , is a completely different story. A 6'2 tall anthropomorphic fox with a lean body was out on the ground in front of the computer. Yes , that's right , a fox is laying there , unconscious. Anyway , there was no way a fox could have entered the apartment , since all the windows were closed and so was the door. After a few minutes have pasted , the anthropomorphic fox slowly lifted up himself and adjusted himself. 'Ugh... Where am I... ? ' He thought to himself , looking at the things around him. 'Hmm.. I must have came out of that' he points at the computer that was still on. The picture of Rafi that was on it seemed different , the background was still there but Rafi himself wasn't in there. It was as if he was never there at all , no poorly cropped lines , no smears , nothing. The anthropomorphic fox felt a sharp pain in his head for a brief moment , putting his hand on his head and laid down on Axel's bed.

'Huh.. At least this bed smells nice' He took a good whiff of the smell of Axel's bed , which helped with the pain in his head a bit. He took a moment to observe the room around him. 'Master must have it alright it seems' He thought as he looked at the okay-looking apartment. 'Nice view , there's also a pool down there' Wondering if he could go down there some time in the near future. (foreshadowing wkwkwkwkw) The anthropomorphic fox decides to get up and walk around a bit , while looking for some clothes considering he's naked. He gets up and walks to the cupboards at the end of the bed and goes through them to find something to wear. He grabs a brown jacket and some jeans to put on. Conveniently enough , there was also some boxers with the name "Rafi" on it. (gee even more foreshadowing xd) He looks in the mirror near to the side. 'Hmm... I think this looks cool.' He confidently thought to himself , though still feeling a bit tired from exiting the computer. He continues walking and explores the rest of the apartment.

Eventually , he reaches the kitchen. 'Hmm , I think I should brew something for myself' He thought to himself , also realizing he's hungry. 'Maybe something to eat too...' He puts his hand on his stomach and feel the hungry vibrations that it calls. He opens the cupboards and looks for some coffee mix. Bingo , he got them. He looks through the cupboard more to look for something to eat with the coffee. 'Nothing much. Ah wait , maybe this will do' He grabs a cereal bar and the coffee mix from the cupboard and puts them on the counter. He then grabs a mug from the drying rack near the sink and puts it under the coffee machine next to the fridge. He puts the mix into the machine and presses a button to let it work it's magic. While that happens , he tears open the cereal bar's wrap and takes a small bite from it. ' Not ideal but I don't want to ruin the fridge ' . After the coffee machine did it's magic , the fox grabbed the mug from it and placed it on the table. 'This needs something... Ah , I know just the thing' He walks over to the fridge and grabbed a milk carton from it. He closes the fridge and heads back to the coffee mug with the carton in hand , he picks up the mug and slowly pours milk in it. He then grabs a toothpick from the toothpick jar on the counter and swirls it in the mug , making coffee art.

 He then grabs a toothpick from the toothpick jar on the counter and swirls it in the mug , making coffee art

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( Pic for reference )

He takes a moment to look at the art he made , feeling proud. He then takes a quick sniff of the aroma as well. 'Mmm~ That's good~' He took a sip of the warm liquid ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) from the mug , the feeling of warmth overwhelmed his throat. (I'm having fun aren't I? xd) He lets out a sigh of pleasure as he carries both the mug and cereal bar to the dinner table. He also grabs a book from the bookshelf to pass the time. He sat down and took a moment to look at the mug to see it had the name "Axel~" on it. 'That must be my master's name. And this must be his apartment. I hope he doesn't mind if I could stay here- ' He thought as his sips his coffee while opening the book he took from the shelf. Time started flying by with each passing page. "Maybe I'll take a quick nap here... Master wouldn't mind , right?" He said out loud to no one in particular. (other than us of course but they don't see us lmao)

To be continued...

Writer's Note :

This took longer than I thought - But it's done now , phew. Hope you guys have enjoyed this so far! I'll be writing more in the next few days.

(On Hold/Being Rewritten) The Fox in the Coffee ShopWhere stories live. Discover now