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I glanced quickly behind me; it wasn’t an easy thing to do while racing through the thick pine forests. I raced around the large tree trunks and over the thick wild roots. I fought through the branches and the fallen logs.

I was too fast for them I thought, but I couldn’t last much longer. The rain was affecting my eyesight and the forest was getting much thicker.

Water trickled down the stone mountain at my side forming a twisted little waterfall, something made me pause and stare at my reflection, my golden/ brown eyes stared back at me full of fear and blood ran down my cheek from a cut on my forehead. I was still, like a deer about to get hunted. My arms were frozen it mid motion.

I sighed watching my body collapse under the sudden weight of my breathing and then I pushed myself away, not stopping to look back, to keep running, this will be over soon I told myself.

The looming mountainside on my left led on towards a clearing where I could rest for a while with smoother running from then on. I thought over my options, there were few so I made a quick decision to climb, my arm was grazed and bleeding and my ankle seemed sprained.

They would heal quickly, most likely within a few hours, and they shouldn’t affect my climbing abilities.

The mountainside was smoother than I’d anticipated with little room for hand holds or foot holds, the mountain was also covered in a strange green moss which when wet was quite slippery to climb over.

But I couldn’t turn back now.

I gathered my thoughts and told myself to focus on the climb I gripped the mountainside, the jagged rock marking my hands but not enough to draw blood. I pushed all thoughts of pain away from me and I made a jump for a rock sticking out of the mountain about three meters above me.

What I realized too late was that this rock was unstable and slippery, but my hand made contact with it and I’d somehow managed to hold on.

Lifting my body up higher I managed to climb up a few more meters without faltering. I swung my legs to the side trying to find a stable place to put my feet while gripping the mountain with my good arm.

I pushed my hair out of my eyes and wiped the blood from my lips pushing myself further.

I had no room for mistakes now.

I shifted my foot and tried to launch myself higher searching for a place that would hold.

Just a little higher I thought to myself.

I made a jump but because I hadn’t much rock to leap off I fell short.

My sweating hands searched wildly for somewhere to go, I’d almost reached the top, just a bit further.

I prepared to jump again, crouching awkwardly, gripping the rock, and then pain shot through my ankle.

And I fell…..

Shock spread through me as everything came to focus, I was sitting at my desk in my English class with my face in my hands, my heart was beating and my hands were sweating but otherwise I seemed fine.

I ran my hand across the plastic desk too make sure everything was real.

It was, I was okay I told myself, everything was okay, I winced and rubbed my head, trying to remember what had just happened.

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