Chapter 2

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 2.  Rescue


            “I’m not jumping down there” Celine said stubbornly.  “Not everyone is gifted with your superhuman balance”

            I rolled my eyes grinning in anticipation to the jump; as much as I loved the rush of the fall and the satisfaction of the landing it was the part, where for a split second I felt out of control, that brief adrenaline rush that I loved the most.

            Us Rapids were always in control, in the physical sense anyway. And I needed it, staying in control all the time was dangerous for me and I knew it.

            My next thought made me smile because I also loved the fact that I was better at this than Celine, watching her falter where I could easily succeed gave me a different kind of rush, of course I knew I shouldn’t think like that, Celine was my best friend after all. Yet I shrugged not really caring.

            That sent a familiar pang to my brain; Rapids didn’t really have a conscience, no real sense of morality, right or wrong. Making the right decisions came with a lot of effort from us.

            My choice, a choice made by all us Rebels was to feel right and wrong, but those feelings could be easily turned off.

            Now we had a mission, we had to find Amber, definitely the most exciting thing that had happened in a while I thought, getting excited but only briefly, because only seconds later all my feelings were replaced with fear.

            I hadn’t see Amber since our fight and I was anxious to see her again, anxiety was not something I was used to so I pushed those feelings away too.

            Then I turned back to Celine, trying to make myself concentrate, she stood upright, crossing her arms willfully.

            She scowled “Seriously Rhea, I’m not going to jump, it will just attract attention to us, what if someone saw”?

            Celine was being impossible, Amber could be really hurt or worse and all she cared about was a little jump.

             “This is a three storey building” she continued “How the hell….”

            “Enough” I hissed “It’s the only way down without getting ourselves caught not to mention the fasted way to Amber” I turned away from her and snarled under my breath.  I was beginning to get annoyed.

            “Okay” Celine muttered quietly

            I composed my face, sometimes I could be just a little too hard on her, and she was only human anyway.

            “How did you find me up there?” she finally said

            I saw you walking out of your class and you looked stressed, like you were having a meltdown” I said laughing.

            As usual my mood would change at the drop of a hat I thought turning away from Celine to take a few deep breaths and the mention of Amber had brought unwanted emotions that I wasn’t used to, in Rapids, strong emotions were rare, especially fear.

            I thought back over the last few minutes I’d spent since Celine had told me of her vision, first came anticipation and amusement followed by excitement, fear, anxiety, annoyance and then more amusement.

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