Chapter 7:

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They have all lost interest in the new tributes, as returned to mingling and whatever else they want to do before the beginning of the Opening Ceremony. By now, every District team has shown up, and people are starting to stray from their designated chariot. The Careers are naturally the first ones to jump out of the starting blocks, and are gathered together in a relaxed group, glaring at anybody who happens to look at them for more then three seconds.

Next, the bolder tributes start to drift away. Looking around for my potential allies, my eyes alight on three individuals gathered in a loose group around a chariot of black dust glinting dully in the twilight. At a closer inspection, I see that it is the triutes from 11 and the female from 12. It must be 12's chariot as I can see their sole victor standing awkwardly beside them. I cant remember how she won her Games, I cant even remember her name. 12 never makes a big impression.

My mind has began to wonder again, and I quickly snap out of it when I realise I haven't made my alliance decision, much less attempted to introduce myself to any of them. I might as well interact with them all before I make up my mind.

Trying to prioritise, I seek out the chariots from District 6 and 8. There's no point trying to make friends with 11 and 12 now. I'm not sure I even wanted them as allies in the first place. They seem too....unreliable.

The vehicle from 8 isn't hard to see, with the bright purple feathers adorning the rim of the sparkly metal. Both tributes are both still with their mentors, two skinny morphling addicts. They obviously don't want to venture from their safety point and the mentors prevent anyone from approaching. It must be t do with the scary, mad smile plastered on their faces.

It takes me a little longer to find the tributes from 6. When I do at last find them, I see that the male has abandoned his partner, a tall blonde. Flashing a quick smile at Jakob, I start to make my way towards the girl, walking as fast as my restrictive dress and heels will allow. As I walk past, a few tributes look up at me, a few frowning as if considering something, and a few just plain frowning. I guess you can't please everyone.

The blonde from 6 has her back to me, which gives me the chance to get a good look at her without seeming rude or perverted. Her blonde hair is perfect, not a strand out of place and comes to rest on her shoulders, complementing her pale cream skin. Her high stature is supported by heels that would easily poke someone's eye out, but even without them she is taller than most of the tributes here. Her stylist is blatantly talented, presenting her in a knee-length coral playsuit with golden tassels that plunge to the floor.

As I approach, she turns sharply, far faster than should be possible in those shoes. The corner of her mouth, painted orange for the occasion, twitched upwards as I make my way towards her.

"Well," she says, "aren't you the golden girl."

I give her a twirl and roll my eyes to show I couldn't care less. "I'm just counting the minutes until I can donate this to nearest glitter ball. And with you looking like a pair of curtains, we could make quite the team."

She suppresses a laugh and holds out her right hand. "Zosia Ravenna."

I take her cold hand and shake it firmly. "Adelaide McCarthy, professional golden girl."

This time she cannot help but let out a small titter. "So, what do you do when you aren't being a beacon to moths everywhere?"

I need to keep my cards close to my chest. For all I know, she could team up with the Careers or be planning to kill me right this second. But from the look in her strange, dark grey eyes, I want to think she's genuine.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

She raises her eyebrows. "I look forward to it."

She turns abruptly, and I know that the conversation is over. I have a feeling it isn't going to be easy to convince her to be allies.

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