chapter 1

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lower case intended.


mr. and mrs. son were a kind and loving couple. they reside at the edge of monstown just a few distance away from the feet of the forest.

monstown is nothing special, the small town is probably poorer than the rest neighboring ones, but it's a nice place to live in nonetheless.

life there is fairly quiet and simple, the brick houses were almost uniformed in structures with flowery front gardens and vegetable ones at each backyards. the men were workers while the women are mostly housewives.

But there's two kinds of housewives in monstown. first, are the wives of the hunters, carpenters and sawmill workers. second, are the wives of doctors, lawyers, businessmen and teachers. mrs. son didn't have the luck to fall on the second classification. though that didn't bothered her much, she deemed she was lucky enough to be married to a loving and hard-working man such as mr. son.

the couple lived a decent life, both are very hard working people. mr. son worked at the sawmill from dawn to dusk. while mrs. son bakes different pastries that she would sell around town. occasionally, for  an extra income, she would do houseworks such as laundry or cleaning for the wealthy people in town. but that rarely happens as there were only two wealthy families in monstown. the lee family that owns the sawmill where mr. son works, and the yoo family that owns...well, quite a lot. the only school, the pharmacy, and few more others. they even have a small company in the city.

from all the work, mr. and mrs. son have enough money to have roof over their heads, warm food on the table and a few spare to threat themselves or save for future uses. their lives were simple yet empty without a baby to complete the family.

mr. and mrs. son were very far from a young age. after years of trying and praying they long lost hope that they would be blessed with a child. they both accepted that their little dream family will stay as a far fetched dream forever. until one afternoon, when the sky was gloomy and the wind blew hard and cold, through a simple act of kindness, a miracle touched their lives.

mrs. son didn't have much sell with her pastries for the past week and there was no calls to work from both the lee and yoo family, mr. son's pay from the sawmill was used up to pay bills and few other stuff they greatly need for the house. since his next pay is still a few weeks away, mr. son decided to go and hunt in the forest to help aid in their financial needs. mr. son was on his way home when he saw an old man laying on the forest floor. the kind man did not hesitated to stop and check on him. seeing as he was unconscious, mr. son decided to bring the old man home with him. though mrs. son was surprised by the fact that her husband brought home an unconscious stranger, she was more worried by the onld man's well-being. the old stranger was clearly sick, it was seem as he had been out in the cold for a long time. together they took care of him, mr. son call for the town's only doctor to check on him, paying him with the last spare money that he have while mrs. son tended to him for three straight days. cooking him food and keeping him some company.

on the fourth day of his stay, when he is all up and had regained all his strength back, for the first time, the old man joined the husband and wife for lunch. he had always ate his meals in the spare room of the little house, mrs. son always there by his side to help him out and entertain him with her little talks.

" you can stay here for as long as you like, we really don't mind" mr. son assured the old man, mrs. son softly smiling and agreeing with her husband's words as she clean out the table.

" though even if I want to stay for a bit longer, It's best that I go" the old man replied.

" are you sure you're strong enough to travel? " mrs. son asked, her eyes in a shade of worry.
" if you don't mind me asking, where are you heading? my husband might be able to accompany you even just half way" she added, turning to give her husband a look, to see if he was okay with the idea, in which he gladly is.

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