chapter 2

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lowercase intended


both of hyunwoo's parents had little big dreams for him. his father dreamed he'd be the same as him, big, strong and hard-working. he anticipated for the day his son would grow old enough. he wanted to do the same things as he and his own father had done. he wanted to teach hyunwoo how to hunt, how to chop down logs, how to fix certain things around the house, and maybe he could join him with his work at the sawmill when he became an adult. after all, most men ends up being employed at the town's only factory.

his mother, however, hoped for something a bit bigger and brighter for him. she wished that he'd be very smart and finish school, unlike her and her husband who only managed to get their first education. she dreamed to see her little hyunwoo becoming a doctor, a teacher or maybe a lawyer like their neighbor mr.lee.

hyunwoo was a sweet quiet baby. he didn't let his parents stay up at night and never really had much tantrums either. his parents was glad about that at first, until when he turned two. they've noticed how unsually quiet he actually is. at his age he still hasn't said his first word, he doesn't scream for his parents attention, he doesn't walk or crawl. he would just stay where his parents had put him and silently observed around. no matter how much they would try to teach him a few simple words, he just wouldn't say it. he would just stare at them curious or amused, sometimes he will let out cute chubby smiles. he can hear them but he never copied any words like other babies. this got the couple worried, and since they didn't have much knowledge with that kind of stuff, they decided to call for dr. kwon, the town's sole doctor to see if there's something wrong with their little boy. whether if he was the right person to call or not, they didn't know. he is a doctor, they assumed he would have enough knowledge all about medicine.

dr. kwon examined him curiously and closely, though it was obvious he have no idea due to him not really the one with the right type of medicinal practice. he still tried to
scan and analyze him through his own practices though, just incase. but he found no illness, not one he knew of at least.

tired of all the examination and not one for empty results. he sat down at the son's little dining and talk to mr and mrs. son about their son's condition.

" i believe your son is suffering from a couple of learning disabilities, dyspraxia, aphasia and some mental retardation..." he told them with air of confidence and right tone of professionalism, sounding so believable

the couple had little to no idea of what he had said. some words are too foriegn for them to comprehend and those that they understand didn't sound good at all.

"what does that mean doc?" mr.son asked the question both him and his wife is thinking.

" it means he have trouble learning. it'll be hard for him to comprehend words or have proper balance and coordination. he will most probably wont be able to talk and walk, overall learn like other children"
he explained to them. " but don't worry, there are a lot of institutions that help children with special needs like him.
they can help treat and take care of your child" he added.

but as expected from loving parents like them, they didn't wanna give their child in care of strangers. so mr. son payed dr.kwon before accompanying him out of their home, thanking him for his service. he came back inside seeing his wife sitting in the living room, their son on her lap. she has a children story book in her hand and was reading to hyunwoo like any other day. acting nonchalant as if the talk with the doctor just a while ago didn't happened. whether she was bothered or worried about the information they acquired, she certainly didn't show.

but mr. son know deep inside she was. she's probably sad and worried like himself. so he sat down beside her and place his hand on her shoulder, hoping that it'll be comforting enough.

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