chapter 3

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lowercase intended

(don't expect too much lol)

hyunwoo's childhood was peaceful yet eventful in it's own way. he usually spent his mornings sitting by the kitchen watching his mother cook and bake. his afternoons by their backyard watching his father tend to their vegetable garden, which he does only when he gets home early from his work at the sawmill. sometimes hyunwoo also helps out mending things around the house by passing his father some needed tools. the rest of his time was spent doing his own thing, or mostly just playing and studying with his only friend hoseok. the boy lives next door and like hyunwoo, he is an only child of mr. and mrs. lee. there were not much houses around their area, being located at the edge of the town, the rest of their neighbors have grown up children or have no children at all which led hyunwoo and hoseok to be eachother's closest friend.

" oh, hello dear. you're home early " mrs. son greeted, quite surprised to see her son in the kitchen. she expected him be at the neighbors for another hour or two, like everyday.

" mrs. lee is going for her check up today, hoseok is joining  her" hyunwoo explained, going over to give his mother a kiss on the cheek. a way of greeting that he does to both of his parents only.

" just the two of them?" his mother asks. there are rare days that mrs.lee's husband could not accompany her to her weekly check ups. mr.lee being one of the very few lawyers their town has; is away most of the time, spending his time at the city or the yoo & lee residence, as he is the wealthy families' personal business lawyer. being friends and neighbors, mrs. son would sometimes kindly accompany mrs.lee, specially if it's just at the town's clinic. leaving both hoseok and hyunwoo at home while they are away.

'' mr. lee is taking them'' hyunwoo answered, taking a little step back; giving his mother enough space as she took a batch of pies out from the oven. " hoseok says they're going to the big city pass the hills for her check up" he continued, taking the lovely fresh baked smell of his mother's apple pies, his favorite smell in the world.

"ah, yes, i forgot there's no doctor in town" dr.kwon recently retired and moved out of town. if the talk at the market was correct, his children had taken him to live with them somewhere across the ocean. this made mrs. son wonder when the new doctor would arrive. she heard the knew one was former resident in monstown, mrs. son couldn't help but be curious on who it must be, the town is not particularly big nor does it have a lot of residents. whoever it is, she definitely have heard of them one way or another. she wonders who else became a doctor in their little town. she knew for a fact not a lot persue a higher education than high school around their place, her and her husband included. one would have to leave town if they really want to.

" she  gave us back our papers from yesterday" hyunwoo showed her two pieces of papers with simple geometrical equations written on them. it was the little test they did the day before. mrs. son remember her son talking about it at dinner the night prior, telling them he's not sure if he he did well on the test. hyunwoo did not get a perfect score but he did answered most of them correctly. proabbly a better result than what he expected for himself.

" wow, you got such a high score! you're so good at math! "mrs. son exclaimed, happy and proud with a wide smile on her face, knowing that her son was sometimes getting a little discourage with the subject. she couldn't help him out much, she herself wasn't the best student during her time and had also forgotten most of what she learned years ago. regardless of that, she and her husband triee to help him out as much as they could. hyunwoo couldn't help letting out a tiny and shy smile, losing his eyes in thin lines, and despite his young age a patch of little crinkles appeared on the side of them; delighted with his mother's reaction. he had a hard time understanding the topic at first. the first two quizzes that they had with geometry, he got a really low score. but today, mrs. lee said he improved a lot. he even got a higher score than hoseok, but he believes that only because his friend got a little distracted halfway, daydreaming as he look outside; and had resulted into writing random numbers as he didn't have enough time to solve each problem one by one.

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