why would you ever kiss me?

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“Ummmmmm” willow said. 

“O-O-oh. Sorry um bye guys” amity waves and walks away.

“Yeah bye guys”  luz walks in a different direction. Towards me. 

“I… am…. so, so, so, so sorry.  I should've at least called you,”  she said to me.  Her eyes were full of worry.

“Hey, no, I get it.  It's okay,” I said.  I held my arms out for a hug. She didnt hesitate to hug me.  “Buuuuut, where were you?” i asked, pulling the hug apart.  

“So….” she laughed “long story.  Come on,”  she grabbed my hand and dragged me outside to a bench. We sat down and she started explaining.  

“You look tired,” she said out of the blue.  

“I was up all night worrying about you,” I said.  That wasn't exactly a lie.  I wasn't necessarily worrying about her, more less thinking of her and staring at pictures of her on my phone with a bit of worrying in the mix.

“Here” she patted her lap “take a nap.  You need sleep” she said.

//A/N: the funny thing is it's 1:17 in the morning while i'm typing this.  I need sleep but i cant fall asleep. Anyway back to this crap//

“O-okay,'' I said hesitantly. “B-but first” 

"you'll have to forgive me once again"

i am going to regret this.

I started leaning in.






I kissed her only to be pushed away gently by luz.   “Bocha.  I’m sorry, but-”

“You don't feel the same way” I finished her sentence. Tears crept at my eyes.   “I understand… I mean… who would like me.  Who would kiss me?  Why would you ever kiss me?”  my voice cracked riaght before I ran away in tears.

That was so stupid.  I'm up against amity for titan’s sake. I facepalmed myself.  I fell to the ground.  I slammed both my fist to the ground.

“STUPID!!!!   STUPID!!!!  STUPID!!!!  STUPID!!!!  STUPID!!!!  STUPID!!!!”  i screamed at the top of my lungs.  Thats all i am is stupid and ugly. 

“STUPID!!!!  UGLY!!!! STUPID!!!!  UGLY!!!!  STUPID!!!!  UGLY!!!!   STUPID!!!!  UGLY!!!!  STUPID!!!!  UGLY!!!!” I ran to my house with one objective in mind. 

                                                                                                     im not even half as pretty

Heather TOH AU [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora